Anakin And Obi-Wan Reunite At ACE Comic Con Northeast
Hayden Christensen and Ewan McGregor will once again be reunited as they both attend ACE Comic Con Northeast in Boston, MA. Held on March 20th, 21st, and 22nd it should be noted that the actors will not be available all three days. Hayden will be attending on Saturday only whereas Ewan will be attending both Saturday and Sunday.
This is a unique opportunity for Star Wars fans to see the main stars of the prequels. I imagine there will be a panel and autograph sessions galore.
I also must note that five-time Oscar nominee Mathew Wood will also be attending this show. Matt is responsible for a lot of the Star Wars sounds you have heard over the past twenty years, and he also provided the voice of General Grievous in the prequels.
Check out the ACE website for more!