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What do you think of the deleted scenes chosen by LFL for the AOTC DVD?


More Obi which is great - i just wish there'd been prolonged action sequences... oh well, maybe they'll be in the special Special editions or something...;) (by LittleJedi)

I wanted some more action scenes like Dooku with two lightsabers or perhaps Plo Koons mission at the Genosian Arena. (by Matt)

What? No action scenes? Thats too bad.Though, I can't help feeling that when all the films are finished, they'll release other versions of the these new films with most of the deleted scenes added in, which means more money spent. I don't believe these are the final editions of the saga. Don't be surprised to see even more added stuff on the originals!! (by Jedidazz)

I was dearly hoping for the library scene where Obi-Wan studies the bust of Dooku and is told about the "lost" Jedi. (by John Takis)

Where is the Jedi Raid and the extended lightsaber-sequence (Dooku with 2 saber)???? Should they be included in the movie then?? (by RW)

Well, the scenes sound good. But not enough Jedi action scenes. I wanted more lighsabers!!!!! I just hope the scenes are good. Maybe there is an easter egg or something. (by Jerry Lane)

Well I'm pretty happy with what is there, especially with Padme's family scenes. But I'm dissapointed with not seeing the secret mission with the other jedi or the extended lightsaber duel at the end of the film. (by Sith1137)

Very disapointed that no action seens were included. (by Darian)

The arena kiss will be go from a good to a classic scene after the family scenes are watched. And the more 'chosen one' talk will add itensity to Anakin's actions and words. (by Vedic Vane)

Extended Yoda-Dooku fight scene could have been nice but I'm not that disappointed about it - but I'm absoultly shocked\stunned\amazed\astonished they didn't put the Plo-Koon\Ki-Adi Mundi starship raid, I wanted to see that so much! :( (by Cresfy)


No Lost 20 discussion? No Droid Ship? That's what the fans wanted :( (by ReaperFett)

I would haven loved to see more Yoda, Mace Windu and the droid control raid. A missed opportunity. (by Tempelier)

Like everyone else, I wanted the droid control ship raid and the extended end fight scene. (by Charles G. Pavlides)

As much as I liked the extras on the TPM DVD, I was left feeling the movie itself was missing even more after viewing the cut scenes. I already feel AOTC could have been better with the inclusion of some of the deleted scenes, and I am sure after watching the select few of extra scenes on this DVD, my opinion will be justified. That being said, I am somewhat bitter Lucas could not take the time to intergrate these scenes back into the movie itself...do I wait for the special edition? (by James Simmons)

Certainly, Lucas MUST be aware of the immense anticipation of the aforementioned Droid Control Ship Raid and the balance of the Yoda/Dooku fight; I cannot believe the dvd doesn't address this stuff. (by leftright5)

I very badly wanted the extended Yoda /Dooku lightsaber duel, it would have been heaven to see more of the Green Master wiping the floor with a dual saber wieldeing Dooku. (by Peter Newbury)

I was hoping that there would be more of yoda and dooku fighting, plus as good as the film was i thought the fights at the end with obi wan, anakin and dooku could have thrilled a bit more than they did! mind you, yoda was ace!!!! (by derek gallacher)

I am very dissapointed that they left out the two scenes that everyone seemed to want. The 'Plo Koon' scene raiding the droid control ship and the double saber Dooku scene. Of course Lucas may pull a 'lord of the rings' with episode 2 and come out with some special edition later on. which of course would make us fans go and buy yet another copy of the movie. (by Nick)

How can they not add in the Plo Koon, Ki Adi Mundi scene and the Dooku with two lightsabers?!? Don't you see, it's madness!!! (by Jason Hill)

I'm severely disappointed....where are the scenes we wanted the most!!?? (Dooku/Yoda extended and Control ship raid) (by Brett Hoffman)


The Droid Control Scene must have been pretty bad to have not been included. How disappointing. The Extended lightsaber scene will surely be missed. Here's to hoping that more deleted scenes will be included in the complete Star Wars saga DVD set. (by Mark)

Who was the source for the leaking of deleted scenes a couple weeks back. Boy they were wrong, unfortunately! (by Philvis)

I think the Padme family scenes would be great because it would explain why Anakin is so hung up on her. He wants the family life she has. (by Seanywan)

Bigger question- What new scenes will be inserted into the movie? (ie. lap 2 in Ep.I) (by Chris)

I have to admit that I am disappointed. I thought we would see extended fight scenes between Dooku/Anakin/Obi-Wan/Yoda. We've seen all the pictures of Dooku with two lightsabers. I wish they would have included those. (by mgreen)

I wanted ki adi mundi and the plo koon scene. i'm very disapointed. (by boodgadanoolyua)

It seems interesting, but I wish they would have shown the scene Ki-Adi-Mundi and Plo Koon! (by Yoda Moda)

I think they will add even more when the ultimate, mega, super crazy dvd editions come out. (by matalo)

As much as I want more Dooku/Yoda, I only expect the longer confession/garage scene (by Ian)

I really wanted to see Plo Koon and Ki-Adi-Mundi?s mission. (by Nick (Wicket))


I'm very disappointed they did not include the Anakin teasing Padme about having Jedi powers scene. I think they should include all deleted scenes whether finished or not! (by cfkli)

Raid on Droid Control Ship!! They can keep every other scene. I wanted to see Plo Koon in action. (by stillz)

George Lucas could release a 3rd bonus disc sold separtely sometime next year. It could have the rest of the deleted scenes and even more documentaries. Wouldn't that be cool? I would buy it and I'm sure many others would as well! Let's start a campaign! (by Barry Woodward)

I want more of the fighting scenes between the clones and droids, the Plo Koon/Ki Adi Mundi scene and more fighting between Dooku, Yoda, Obi Wan and Anakin! (by Alexandar)

How can GL leave out the Ki Adi Mundi & Plo Koon Trade Ship raid. All of the other scenes are dialogue driven and don't have any action. After Nick Gillard said there was an extensive fight scene filmed and the effects had been completed, how could that not have been included? (by Scott Borzillary)

I was hoping for the real deal on the Anakin slaughter of the Sand People or Tusken Raiders which ever you prefer. I was told they filmed more for that scene but it was cut for ratings. (by Chad Coleman)

I like the deleted scenes chosen by George, but i really want to see ki Adi Mundi Mission or a bit of the space battle. I wish we can get a big space battle for ep3, i think that's one of the thing the new trilogy is missing. (by Pablo)

I'm a bit disappointed - they'll certainly flesh the story out more, but a little more action would have been nice - i'm really going to miss the addition of the droid control ship raid - it was the one scene I was really looking forward to! (by darth slam)

I was looking forward to the Plo Koon/Ki-Adi-Mundi scene and the extended battle between Dooku and Yoda. (by David M)

While more Padme scenes will add more to the love story, we needed more Jedi scenes. (by NIck T)


This is all the light hearted stuff! We fans want fighting and excitement, and not politics! (by jen_t)

No Mace V Jango, no extra Anakin/Yoda/Obi-Wan V Dooku, no Droid control ship, no Tusken slaughter, no extra Coruscant Chase, I don't think I'll be buying this DVD. I'm not trying to critise Lucas because I'm one of his biggest supporters, I'm just dissapointed in the selection. (by Jamie)

I was hoping to see the 'Lost 20' scene...it would be a great addition to the Jedi story. (by godrotor)

I think I'm going to enjoy them very much. Good selections! (by Matthew Bubel)

Nothing against six of those scenes since it shows progression in the story just like the novel, but man at least include the Droid Control Ship scene with addtional Jedi's using the lightsabers, as well as the Count Dooku scene with two lightsabers. I hope that they have something special planned when all the movies come out. (by Jason)

Couldn't we get at least one action scene, just one? If I said I wasn't dissapointed, call me a liar. (by Damon)

Droid control ship raid, the movie made $300 million, just spend the $2000 to finish the scene. (by Greg Niblett)

I too wanted the Droid Control Ship raid, and the double sabered Dooku, but SW deleted scenes are too cool, and we can't be too picky. I wish there was a more extended tusken slughtering too ;-) (by godmoney)

what happened to the Dooku double saber scene. (by Darth FrIz)

I wanted the Plo Koon/Ki-Adi-Mundi scene too, oh well, it looks like there is lots of padme bits, mmmm, natalie portman :) One scene I'm sorta lookin' forward to is the one at Padme's house, coz in the script that was leaked out early it seems to add more depth to the characters reality. But still, I want more action..... (by Michael Montague)

Responses: 1-50, 51-100, 101-150, 151-200, 201-250, 251-291 
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