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What do you think of the deleted scenes chosen by LFL for the AOTC DVD?


Very disapointing. I cant believe there is not one action sequence!! I thought Rick McCallum said that they filmed a ton of Arena action that was cut? Maybe they included these scenes in the movie not the deleted scenes. I doubt it but we can hope. (by Axl Rose)

As this DVD has been released so early (certainly compared to the last one) could it be that this time next year we'll be seeing a Matrix style DVD re-release with new special features and with the completed battle scenes that we all want to see. (by Skeltsie)

No extended action scenes, but these will do us nicely I'm sure. (by Jedi knight Pozzi)

I'm well cheesed off that the 'lost 20' scene isn't included. It's bad enough that it was cut from the film, but not to include it as an extra is worse. (by ohms)

No action, just more more unnecessary tiresome exposition...... (by Maximillion Von Chewbacca)

It seems they have gone for the scenes that are the least work, I was looking forward to the Yoda / Dooku and the Control Ship raid, as, I reckon, were most fans. (by Charles)

I wanted Dooku .v. Yoda deleted scenes!! Maybe they could be put onto a "special edition" type DVD ala LOTR? (by sithjoe)

I think GL will say people always want what they can't have, or that they didn't have time to complete the other scenes for the DVD, but I could have waited a few more months to see the Jedi attack the Droid control ship and see Dooku fight with two sabres. Also not including the lost 20 scene is unacceptable. Very Dissapointed, the scenes they have included only add to already slow mid-section of the movie and do not interest me. (by Daniel Burgess)

I will find all the scenes interesting, but it would have been nice to see some extended lightsaber combat with Dooku and Yoda. But the problem, is with that scene ILM would need to do a lot of Yoda work which is a lot of time and money for a DVD. The same goes for the Droid control ship raid. Both of those scenes would heve been more work than any of the scenes from the TPM DVD. So I'm not surprised and looking forward to November. (by darth-dom)

I think not including the Plo Koon/ Ki-Adi Mundi raid and the extended Yoda/ Dooku duel is a mistake. Everyone I talk to wants to see those two scenes most of all. (by Michael)


Not very exciting but reasonable. Maybe they'll put the goodies during the commentaries. ^_^ (by Carlo)

Deleted scenes are better than no deleted scenes, but if that's all we are getting they had better stop flashing that picture of Dooku with the two lightsabers about! (by D-ToX)

Sounds good but I'm a little dissapointed that there aren't any scenes with action in them. It would have been great to have seen Dooku with 2 lightsabers, and I was kind of hoping that we'd see the full duel between Obi-Wan and Jango on Kamino. And the Plo Koon/Ki-Adi-Mundi scene would have been nice to! (by Slave-2)

Anakin already fights with 2 sabers, we dont need the Dooku one. Im glad the trial is there. Easter Eggs anyone? (by b00tysl4p)

Stop complaining about missing Plo/Ki, you'll get it, eventually.. (by Fixxxer)

Maybe the control ship raid will be a hidden extra. (by liam byrne)

I had a feeling the droid raid and the fight scenes would be too effects intensive to put in with such a short time between the cinema and DVD release. (by Godzillas Beard)

I'm very pleased with the scenes choosen. I was hoping for more scenes with Padme and Anakin and now I get a chance to see some of my favorite scenes that were included in the script and the novelization. Thank you George. (by The Lord)

I am half way there when I think of being satisfied with the deleted scenes. I would have liked to see more of the Dooku/Yoda fight, I would have also like to see the scene where Boba flies out of the arena at the end. All in all some of them look ok, but I think they could have done better being they had all the time they wanted to put this together. Lets hope someone was clever enough to put something hidden on the disk like they did with TPM and the gag reel on the first disc? (by Erick Henrie)

Disappointing. I was looking forward to scenes that would explain some of the figures that have come out, like the female Tusken Raider, the scene where Padme finishes C3P0's coverings, etc. (by Jedimaster71472)


I like the deleted scenes, but I wish they had the Droid Ship raid. (by Darth Binks)

I wanted the Plo and Ki scene. Why would they cut that out? (by kev)

How could you cut the Plo Koon/Ki-Adi-Mundi raid on the control ship? It was perfect for the DVD. I think they should take out just one of the Padme scenes and put the raid in. (by Kevin)

I wanted to see more of Dooku vs. Yoda/Jedi. I am extremely disappointed that one of the deleted scenes doesn't include the "Jedi Raid"! I believe GL is saving the good stuff for an "Ultimate Trilogy DVD Edition", that will include all the really good cut scenes from Ep. 1-3. (by Marc "Darth_Marc" Marciano)

Why not the "lost 20" discussion? That scene contains important background information! (by Skytalker)

Where is the Dooku Scene and the Jedi Commando Raid on the control ship?? (by Jedi Ernie)

I like them, just wish there were some extended fight stuff also... (by Darth_Oracle)

I'm very disappointed! Where's the extra action scene footage? I know...GL is saving that stuff for a special edition to be released later so we'll have to buy yet another dvd of this movie... :( (by EmPreSS)

Not bad. However, I would have been much more excited if they included the Jedi commando assault on the Trade Federation battleship. (by Dan C.)

I want more action!! We've seen enough drama ... (by LongDuckDong)


As an overall view, I'm happy with the scenes selected. I do wish that Lucas would've included the droid ship raid and the extended Dooku/Yoda fight. However, one might want to ponder this...remember that this list is only for the DVD release. Don't forget that the VHS release is going to have 6 scenes, and it wouldn't surprise me in the least, if Lucas put 6 different scenes on the VHS edition. At least there is a glimmer of hope for the other scenes... (by Skywlkr)

To complete the Droid Ship Raid would've been too much work in the time they've given themselves to get the DVD out before christmas. (by Luke)

Very disappointed, why not include the deleted action scenes? That's one of the best parts of the DVD I was looking forward to. (by Doublbladed sithian)

There hopefully are going to include bits and pieces of the action in the actual movie. Lucas wouldn't disappoint us like that! (by vaderhead)

I'm dissapointed, not enough fighting scenes. I really wanted to see the assult on the command ship by the Jedi. (by Dark-Moff)

I think the movie had plenty of action. The parts I liked best in the novelization were cut out in the movie, and I'm glad to see them back as deleted scenes on the DVD. (by Knight-Ander)

Where is the ship raid!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (by Max Taylor)

Where's the scene about the 20 Jedi that left the order? (by John Vinci)

The action scenes with Dooku and the raid of the droid control ship are the ones most people want to see. (by mighty b)

Why wont Lucas give us what we want?? The fight scenes. (by RUSS)


I think the deleted scenes were a good idea, except not showing Dooku with two sabers (by ~Mystic_Jedi~)

Where's the action scenes. Sure Padme is good looking but I don't want to see all of her cut scenes. (by J. Duggan)

I would have liked the Dooku with two lightsabers (by Rogue9)

Lot of missing stuff, guess we'll have to wait for the big DVD box set down the road. As long as they're doing that, why don't they give us a barebones set of the originals now? (by jay)

All I have to say is I'm glad these scenes were cut. I can't imagine how much worse the first half of the movie would have been if there were even more Padme and Anakin. (by Devn-Ral Gallanti)

I can't believe they've not included any of the key removed action scens - the droid ship raid or extended Dooku fight. (by Richy Boy)

I'm with everyone else.....not enough action scenes featuring the jedi, the film didn't have enough anyway so to not have any deleted scenes is very disappointing (by Nelph Frei)

Where is the Yoda and Dooku w/ two lightsabre's fight scenes? Where is Plo Koon & Ki-Adi-Mundi's mission? (by Andy)

Lucas is keeping some deleted scene for a DVD box set when epIII comes out on DVD. So we will have to shell out some more cash even if we all ready own TPM and AOTC DVD ! (by EricXoXp)

I really wanted to see the raid on the droid control ship and Count Dooku using two sabers. I am really disappointed. (by steve)

Responses: 1-50, 51-100, 101-150, 151-200, 201-250, 251-291 
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