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Jimmy Smits On Disney-LFL And Episode VII

Posted By Eric on November 9, 2012

Jimmy Smits, better known to Star Wars fans as Bail Organa, recently told Spinoff Online that he would be open to returning to the Star Wars franchise if a role could be found for him.

As far as Smits is concerned, ?My character was gone after episode whatever. If they want to call, let them call.?

Smits also had the following to say about GL's decision to sell Lucasfilm to Disney:

?Congratulations to George, because that was like a mega deal. It?s great that it will kind of live on in a different kind of incarnation,? he said. ?He built that in so many ways, and not only built that franchise, but because of the success of the franchise, he was able to do so much for the film industry, really. This whole thing about digitalization, one of those films that I worked on, the prototypes for that HD camera was something that we were using, so he pushed the envelope in so many technical ways, not only with regards to the film industry. He?s got a lot of balls that he?s juggling, so it?s a good thing that he?s able to find a way to kind of pass that franchise along.?

Click through to read more of Smits' reaction to the big news at Spinoff Online.

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[Episode VII - News Archives]
It's Official: Star Wars Episode VII Rolls Cameras May 2014
Posted By Philip on March 18, 2014:
StarWars.com has posted the news that the cameras will roll on Episode VII in May 2014. The release also goes on to say, "It has also been confirmed that Star Wars: Episode VII is set about 30 years after the events of Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, and will star a trio of new young leads along with some very familiar faces. No further details on casting or plot are available at this time." More after the jump.

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