San Francisco EP3 Charity Premiere Details Posted By Britany on March 21, 2005
The San Francisco charity premiere of 'Revenge of the Sith', which benefits Koret Family House, will take place at a venue yet to be announced on May 12th.
Click here for info on how to purchase tickets (prices are below). Thanks to 'S the Jedi' for the alert:
THE FORCE (Presenting Sponsor) - $100,000
? 50 reserved premiere seats ? 50 tickets to post-premiere party ? 50 tickets to VIP cocktail party ? Name listed on printed event material, when possible ? Name inclusion in all press releases as the Presenting Sponsor ? Corporate Executive (and spouse, if desired) listed as event co-chairs in printed event material ? 2 Tables (10 guests) at Koret Family House annual dinner (Ritz Carlton Hotel) ? Portion of sponsorship enables 10 disadvantaged children with cancer and their families to attend the premiere and post-party ? Additional suggestions are welcome to help you promote this gift, within the guidelines set by Lucasfilm Ltd. and Twentieth Century Fox
YODA (Participating Sponsor) - $50,000
? 24 reserved premier seats ? 24 tickets to the post premiere party ? 24 tickets to VIP cocktail party ? Name inclusion in all press releases as the Participating Sponsor ? 1 Table (10 guests) at Koret Family House annual dinner (Ritz Carlton Hotel) ? Portion of sponsorship to enable 10 disadvantaged children with cancer and their families to attend the premiere and post-party ? Additional suggestions are welcome to help you promote this gift, within guidelines set by Lucasfilm Ltd. and Twentieth Century Fox
OBI WAN (Supporting Sponsor) - $25,000
? 10 reserved premiere seats ? 10 tickets to the post premiere party ? 10 tickets to VIP cocktail party ? Name inclusion in all press releases as the Supporting Sponsor ? 5 tickets to Koret Family House annual dinner ? Portion of sponsorship to enable 5 disadvantaged children with cancer and their families to attend the premiere and post-party ? Additional suggestions are welcome to help you promote this gift, within the guidelines set by Lucasfilm Ltd. and Twentieth Century Fox
JEDI KNIGHT (Patron) - $10,000
? 4 reserved premiere seats ? 4 tickets to post premiere party ? Name listed on all printed materials, when possible ? Portion of sponsorship fee to enable 2 disadvantaged children with cancer and their families to attend the premiere and post-party
SKYWALKER - $2,500
? 2 reserved premiere seats ? 2 tickets to post premiere party ? Name listed on all printed materials, when possible
HAN SOLO - $500
? available from April 1st, can be reserved now
You can get more details on tickets for other cities in the links below: