Miami ROTS Charity Premiere Tickets Posted By Britany on March 2, 2005
Single tickets for the Miami charity premiere of 'Revenge of the Sith' are now on sale priced at $1000 and $500. Please note that they have changed the names of the two ticket types above from what we previously reported.
CORUSCANT TICKET - ($1000)(previously called Naboo Ticket) ? 1 Reserved Premiere Seat ? 1 Ticket to the Post-premiere Private Party
NABOO TICKET - ($500)(previously called Gungan Ticket) ? 1 General Admission Premiere Seat ? 1 Ticket to the Post-premiere Private Party
All other ticket types remain the same.
Given the potential confusion the could ensue with the Naboo Ticket, when booking, be sure to tell them whether you want a 'Reserved' or 'General Admission' ticket. You can get more info by telephoning 786-268-1830.