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Entertainment Earth
Makeup for Darth Maul & Queen Amidala

Posted By Stephen on June 21, 1999

For those of you who are into makeup and costuming, you will definitely want to pick up issue #19 of Make-Up Artist Magazine. Nick Dudman (makeup supervisor for TPM) and Paul Engelen (principal makeup artist for Maul, Amidala, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan) are interviewed. Both artists reveal exacting details about the creation, content and application of the makeup.

The articles contain a bunch of great pictures, like this one of Dudman with his kids (Jack and Holly, background performers in the film).

Paul Engelen discussing...

Darth Maul: "Ray has a fair coloring. The red I used was actually a water-base aquacolor that would fade but it was quite easy to reapply by sponging on. The black was Reel tattoo color, which I had to paint on. It's kind of elasticized so would tend to peel rater than run. I sponged it on with a fairly heavily saturated alcohol-based sponge and a lot of black pigment. The Reel Creations tattoo colors worked very well, I should say, even in the heat of the Tunisian desert. Even with all of the action scenes shot out there, it worked."

Application picture 1
Application picture 2
Application picture 3

Queen Amidala: "The white is RCMA ivory. I tried to use clown white, but it just had a dreadful effect on the eyes. The eyes are never that white. It tends to make the eyes look really red. With the ivory, it is quite remarkable side by side with the crown white. There's a lot of pink in ivory. But it isn't enough to counteract the difference. The eyes still tend to look reasonably white."

Ordering information: Makeup Artist (issue #19, copies are $7.00 plus S&H) P.O. Box 4316 Sunland, CA 91041-4316.

[Episode I - News Archives]
Is Colonel Gascon Jar Jar?s Cousin?
Posted By Dustin on December 17, 2012:
Derived from an unused concept for the Gungans

Ahmed Best Talks TPM & More With EW.com
Posted By Mike on February 27, 2012:
A lengthy article with the Jar Jar actor

TPM 3D Opening Weekend: #4 With $23M
Posted By Eric on February 12, 2012:
Episode I re-release performs as expected

It's The Phantom Menace 3D Release Day!
Posted By Eric on February 10, 2012:
Every saga has a beginning...

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