TPM 3D Releases In France Today Posted By Mike on February 8, 2012
Our friend Fabrice wrote in to make sure French Star Wars fans were aware that Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace 3D releases today in France. We hope his daughters Cl?mence and Elise enjoy their introduction into the GFFA!
And while we're at it, let's slide over to Belgium where our friend Tim of the Belgian fan site shows off those wacky Star Wars burgers from Quick.
"Quick, a popular fast food restaurant in Belgium and France, started their 'Episode I'-campaign last week by promoting their two regular burgers: the Jedi Burger and the Dark Burger. The black 'Vader' burger will only be available in France for a short time in March. TeeKay-421 paid a visit to one of the Quick restaurants and took some pictures."