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eBay Today: Star Wars, Disco, & What Might Have Been Posted By D. Martin on April 18, 2012
For a brief period of time Kenner was developing an outfit line for their large size action figure collection. The outfits, after some toning down at Lucasfilm's request, were well on its way to being produced. Sadly (thankfully), the large size line wasn't preforming well enough to risk further additions, and the approved line disappeared before they could be made. Had the line gone forward we would have seen outfits based on Luke's X-Wing and Ceremonial outfits, along with some more adventurous designs including a disco outfit for Luke, and three out there get ups for Leia. For the Leia outfits, collectors would have been able to dress her up as a disco ghost (actually no, LFL didn't approve that one), or in a silver jumpsuit, or in her Arctic Gear, which almost foreshadowed her Hoth outfit. Kooky.