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this was the Snivvian word for "literature." (HNN5)

Mio, Marmio
this woman lived as a hermit on the remote world of Geonosis, during the early years of the New Order. She claimed to have been stranded on Geonosis after her starship crashed in the E'Y-Akh Desert, and her manic appearance seemed to support this story. In reality, she was an accomplished spy who secretly worked for several competing tribes of Geonosians, each of which believed she worked exclusively for them. Hidden in the hulk of her starship were a speederbike and several probe droids, which she used to gather all sorts of information about the events on the planet. (GORW)

this petite woman was one of the clerks working at the Starwind Chandlery during the Galactic Civil War. (FOP)

this small, parasitic insect was native to the planet Geonosis, where it lived in a symbiotic relationship with the enormous merdeth. Swarms of mips could be found living on or near merdeths, feeding on the ichor found in the merdeth's body. However, the mips also provided benefit to the merdeth by locating food and attacking any creature that tried to kill the merdeth. (GORW)

Mipps, Deena
this woman was a reporter for the Darpa SectorNet news agency. Unknown to even her employers, Deena was also the local spy for the Alliance, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (SWJ3, SWJ8, CCW)

Mipsy, Alandra
this woman was a reporter for the Colonial News Nets, who covered the political and social scene on the planet Procopia during the New Order. She was also a supporter of the Alliance, and used her position to help Alliance agents infiltrate private parties and exclusive meetings, claiming them to be part of her camera crew. (LOE)

this woman was a bounty hunter and scout who was active during the years following the Great Sith War, nearly 4,000 years before the Battle of Endor. She was unusual for her kind in that she never killed another being to collect a bounty, and only used lethal force in self-defense. Even then, she killed reluctantly, and this collection of attributed allowed her to remain clear of organizations such as the Exchange. As a young girl, Mira was orphaned during the Mandalorian Wars when her parents were killed during the Battle of Malachor. She was enslaved by the surviving Mandalorians and ended up on Nar Shaddaa, where she as forced to survive on her own. With her knack for finding people, Mira quickly became a bounty hunter. She was known to hunt with a specialized wrist launcher, that could fire small darts or ion rockets. During one fateful mission, she managed to save the life of Hanharr, forcing him to acknowledge a life-debt to her. Hanharr never forgot this, and spent many years trying to track her down and have her killed, so that the debt would no longer be hanging over his head. After the Jedi Civil War, Mira was among the bounty hunters who traveled to Nar Shaddaa to work for Goto, hunting down the surviving Jedi Knights and bringing them to Nar Shaddaa. On Nar Shaddaa, she joined the party of beings who traveled with The Exile. When they tried to locate Visquis in the Jekk'Jekk Tarr bar, Mira was forced to confront Hanharr in one-on-one combat. Using all her skills, Mira was able to defeat the huge Wookiee, although she regretted having to take his life. She voiced these regrets to The Exile, who recognized that she had a connection to the Force, and agreed to take her on as a student. (OWS, KOTOR2)

this barren ball of rock was the sixth world in the Kamino System. (GORW)

this female humanoid was one of the many Jedi Knights who felt that the Jedi Order was becoming too militaristic during the early years of the Clone Wars. She was originally trained by Master Sora Bulq, and remained loyal to the Weequay during the escalation of conflicts. After openly refusing to accept the rank of General, she left the Order to follow Sora Bulq to Ruul in protest of the Jedi's participation in the war. A tall, pale-skinned woman, Mira was distinguished by the patterns of spots which surrounded her eyes. When Master Bulq was attacked by Asajj Ventress, it was Mira who felt the disturbance in the Force and came to help him. Unfortunately, Mira was no match for Ventress' skills with a lightsaber, and was quickly killed in battle. Ventress claimed that she had been sent to Ruul by Mace Windu himself, in an effort to drive Master Bulq farther from the Jedi. (OWS, J1)

Miracle Meriko
a musician who performed during the last years of the Old Republic and into the era of the Galactic Civil War. He died in Imperial custody. (TME, HNN5)

Miradyne Limited
manufacturers of starship avionics packages, Miradyne went out of business during the height of the New Order. (XW, EGW, SWJ5)

this was the codename used to describe the headquarters of the New Republic Intelligence agency, buried deep below the surface of Coruscant in The Abyss. It was named because a large-leafed plant grew in the depths of the city, without sunlight, giving the impression of an oasis. (HT)

one of two disguised starfighters used by Manda D'ulin's team of Mistryls. (TME)

this up-and-coming speederbike racer gaining notoriety during the early years of the Galactic Civil War. A string of victories earned Miraj the respect of her peers, who were surprised when the helmet came off and they discovered Miraj was a woman. Miraj became famous among the racers who plied the Raptor Run on Stend VI, where she hung behind other racers until the very end of the race, before goosing her racer, the Wraith, into a higher gear and passing them at the finish line. (WSV)

see Mirial (BF6)

a race native to the planet Alpheridies, they are born without eyes. However, through the use of the Force, they can see as well as any sighted race. Outwardly, the average Miraluka individual appeared to be a normal Human, with a decorative veil covering their face. They original Miraluka migrated to Alpherides several millennia before the Great Sith War, fleeing a planet which was geologically and tectonically unstable. Their innate abilities with the Force were brought to the forefront as genetic mutations brought on by Abron's infrared radiation eliminated their eyes. Very few Miraluka ever left the Alpherides, choosing not to disrupt their equilibrium. When Emperor Palpatine instituted his Jedi Purge, many Miraluka were killed or forced into hiding, and they remained aloof from the rest of the galaxy for many decades afterward. Note that the LucasArts website for Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords indicates that the Miraluka died out some 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. (FNU, TOJC, PJSB, UANT, LAWS)

this was the native language of the Miraluka. (PJSB)

this large, blue-skinned humanoid replica droid was used by Gru'um Ropple to transport frekkers into Jabba the Hutt's palace on Tatooine. Miramba was covered with an organic layer, which allowed her to pass through Jabba's sensors. She was programmed to appeal to the Hutt, laughing at his jokes and lavishing him with praise. After Bib Fortuna had Gru'um arrested, Gru'um had Miramba open her internal section and release the frekkers into the palace. It is unknown if she survived the Hutt's fury after realizing what Gru'um Ropple had planned. (JTH)

one of six Kathol Republic Marauder-class corvettes sent to rescue the Bravado III from attack, shortly after the FarStar offered assistance. The 195-meter vessel was armed with eight double turbolaser cannons and three tractor beam projectors. (KO)

this gas giant was the fourth and outermost planet in the Aramand System. It was orbited by nineteen moons, some of which had been colonized by the Aramandi. (FBS)

a unique science. (CSWEA)

this was a common name among the Kushiban race. (UANT)

this given name was commonly given to female human children throughout the galaxy. (GCG)

this was one of the most common names given to female Corellians. (GMR9)

Mirchidi NeMall
this Duros worked for a spaceline shuttle service until shortly before the Battle of Yavin, when he had earned enough credits to buy his own ship. With his money, he purchased the NeHimmep, which he named after the legendary Duros explorer. He made a meager living as a spacer, never really breaking through to earning a good living. He considered taking up smuggling, but feared being targeted by Imperial Customs because he was an alien. (SS)

Mirgoshir Campaign
this was one of the many protacted battles of the Clone Wars, as the forces of the Grand Army of the Republic tried to eliminate the Separatist presence in the Mirgoshir System and its surrounding neighbor systems. (SWDB)

Mirgoshir System
this star system allied itself with the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the months leading up to the Clone Wars. (J2)

this cold, desert planet was the homeworld of the Mirialan race of near-humans. It was located along the Hydian Way, between Yavin and Almania. (SWDB, PJSB)

this species of near-humans was native to the planet Mirial. The Mirialan people were very religious, and adhered to a primitive understanding of the Force as their underlying beliefs. They believed that each individual's actions contributed to their destiny, and an individual placed a unique tattoo on their face and hands to signify the completion of certain tests and tasks. As an individual matured, the number of tattoos increased, allowing other Mirialans to quickly what role an individual will play in the future of Mirial. (SWDB, PJSB)

this was the native language of the Mirialan people. (PJSB)

Mirip Pag
this Iotran served as a gunner for Urias Xhaxin aboard the Free Lance. (DTO)

Mirnic University
Jorus C'baoth was educated at this school before joining the Jedi Order, many years before the Clone Wars. (DFR)

Miro Asteroid Belt
this debris-choked area of space was virtually uncharted during the New Order. (WOA3)

Miro Daroon
this Jedi Knight was on charge of maintaining the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, during the last years of the Old Republic. He had a deep technical background, and could fix virtually any system. Miro was a native of the planet Piton, and was reedy and had translucent skin like other Pitons. (CT)

Miro, Branff
this man was the ineffectual and virtually invisible Imperial governor of the planet Merisee, during the height of the New Order. (PG3)

developed as a by-product of mirrsteel, mirrfield was used to create inexpensive walls. The opacity of a mirrfield wall could be adjusted to allow for privacy, as needed. (TG)

Mirror Caverns
this was one of the global parks established by the government of the planet Telos, during the Old Republic. Located near the Sacred Pools, the Mirror Caverns were named for the reflective mineral malab, which covered their walls with mirror-like surfaces. (DOR)

this was an incredbily strong, durable building material used to create immense skyscrapers during the early years of the New Republic. (AFA)

a planet whose ancient culture is much-revered in the galaxy. Captain Dorja, serving under Grand Admiral Thrawn, is connected to the cutlure, and still uses their victory gestures. (TLC)

this Outer Rim Territories world was the site of an Imperial base during the Galactic Civil War. (ROE)

this Bothan claimed to have been a native of the planet Thaere Privo, when he was among the many prominent individuals who were invited to debate the problems associated with floating cities during the height of the Clone Wars. He lacked any form of tact or friendliness, and often used derogatory names to describe other races and beliefs. He got into a shouting match with Kaguya after he called her a bark-loving freak, and his continued ranting eventually earned him the ire of the people of Cularin. However, Mirt was later forced to agree with Kaguya's idea of dismantling the floating cities and encouraging the development of multi-story buildings in the ground-based locations. (LFCW)

Mirt Alpitt and the Dust Storms
despite their wild name, this band was well-known in the Outer Rim during the height of the New Order, and was distinguished by its soft, almost classical repetoire. (GCQ)

Mirth Gas
this gas is used to immobilize beings by causing them to view everything as funny and without care. (CSWEA)

this Quarren pirate served as Captain Jayhawk's second-in-command aboard the Martinette. (SWCP)

this New Republic Navy Commodore was placed in command of Task Forces Gemstone and Copperleaf during the battle against the Yevetha. (TT)

this cargo ship, commanded by Kevreb Bebo, crashed into the planet D'vouran when it suddenly appeared in it's flight path. Bebo managed to set the ship down with moderate damage, but his distress call was intercepted by the Empire. In order to cover up the true nature of D'vouran, the Empire blamed the crash on Bebo. Much of the crew was reported as dead, when in reality they were consumed by the planet. (GOF1)

an Alliance starfighter pilot who didn't survive the offensive against Operation Strike Fear at Briggia. (XW)

Mischievous One, The
see Courtra'paeas (GMR1)

the first planet in the Bespin system, Miser was a hot world rich in various metals and ores. It was mined by the Ugnaughts when Cloud City was a free outpost, but the mines have been abandoned since the Empire took control of the city. It was also used as the site of an Imperial Naval base, with the majority of the base hidden below the inhospitable surface in caves. The planet's high content of metal makes wireless communication nearly impossible, requiring fiber-optic connections. (GG2, HTTE, IC)

MI-series Droid
this was a series of security droids developed for personal use by the elite members of Imperial society. Roughly humanoid in stature, the MI-series had two heavy legs and a pair of long, heavy grasping arms at its waist. A thinner pair of arms, mounted at the shoulders, were equipped with weaponry. (GMR6)

this plant was native to the deserts of Kamar. (HSR)

this was a term coined by the clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic to indicate any leader who fretted over every situation, wondering how to handle it "by the book" without causing more trouble. (SWI81)

Mish, Borvil
this man served as a Lieutenant in the Imperial armed forces, and was a customs inspector at Byblos Tower 214 during the height of the Galactic Civil War. An energetic man, Mish was easily distracted by food, and many smugglers learned that he could be bribed with unique and exotic delicacies. (SWJ5)

this species of striped, fur-covered mammals once thrived in the mountains near the Grand Fall waterfall on Firrerre, until the planet was nearly destroyed by the Empire. (EGP)

this was one of the many Eickarie familiess that made up the Sha-kae clan on the planet Kariek, during the height of the New Republic. (FB)

Mishra, The
this tapcafe was located in the city of Ilic, on the planet New Cov, during the early years of the New Republic. It was here that Luke Skywalker intervened in a dispute between a Barabel and a Rodian, and made something of a fool of Niles Ferrier. Ferrier later called Lando Calrissian and Han Solo to the Mishra, using Luke's name, to discuss a possible contact for locating the Katana Fleet. (DFR)

an alien race. (SOP)

this Imperial Corporal was the son of a diplomat from the planet Tatooine. He joined the Imperial Academy and was known for his crack shot and skill with a speeder bike. After graduation, he was assigned to a scouttrooper squadron, and was eventually posted to the teams protecting the shield generator on the forest moon of Endor, during the construction of the second Death Star. He was adept at developing new speeder bike tactics, often working with Sergeant Barich, and hoped to one day join the Emperor's Demonstration team. (CCG10)

this was one of the most common human surnames encountered in the galaxy. (GCG)

Miskin, El'Tar
this young man worked as the conceirge at the Greentree Pointe resort on Almas during the period leading up to the Battle of Naboo. Prior to this, El'Tar was a shipping clerk for Naescorcom, but was fired for negligence when he mistakenly sent a shipment of thermal detonators to an orphanage on Coruscant while sending a local of textiles to a pirate gang. Only his affable nature kept him from getting killed, and he eventually found his way to Dorumaa. (LFC)

this moon is the homeworld of the Chiilak species. (COG)

Mison, Tarn
this former Imperial pilot joined the Alliance shortly after the Battle of Yavin. An expert marksman, Mison later served as the fighter escort during the Bright Hope's escape from Hoth. (CCG9)

Miss Chance
this was the name of Kaine Paulsen's personal starship, a modified YT-1300 light freighter. (SWJ2)

Miss Mylla
this female Falleen worked as a courtesan on the planet Lamaredd, during the years surrounding the Battle of Naboo. She operated the largest and most popular saloon in The Landing, which was located in the area known as Center Sphere. Any number of rumors about her origins have been debated in The Ring for many years, although it was known that she wasn't a native of Lamaredd. She arrived sometime before the Clone Wars, and had been a fixture in Center Sphere ever since. Although outwardly her relationship with Mix Liddell was strictly professional - mainly to ensure that her operations were legal - Miss Mylla was known to have said that Liddell was the only male who could get her to settle down and leave the Saloon. (GMR7)

Miss Mylla's Saloon
this was the name of Miss Mylla's saloon, located in the Center Sphere area of Bartyn's Landing, on the planet Lamaredd, during the years surrounding the Battle of Naboo. (GMR7)

Miss Vix
this was the name used by Whirry Malreaux to describe the Vjun fox that she kept as a pet and familiar, during the height of the Clone Wars. When Count Dooku took control of Chateau Malreaux, he allowed Whirry to remain in the home, but was uncomfortable with the presence of Miss Vix. Thus, when Dooku learned that his former Master Yoda was on Vjun, he needed Whirry to do his bidding. He grabbed Miss Vix and began pulling out tufts of her fur, forcing Whirry to agree to his terms in order to free the fox from further torture. In exchange for Miss Vix's freedom, Whirry was forced to order Fidelis to arrange for Whie to meet with Asajj Ventress, thereby holding the Padawan hostage while Dooku met with Yoda. After Dooku fled Vjun and Whirry returned to the Chateau, Miss Vix chose to run away, and was not seen again. (YDR)

this young woman was taken prisoner when the Free Lance ambushed her own ship, the Indupar Nova, near Ec Pand. It was revealed that she was a maid who served Lady Kalena, although the two had switched positions when the pirates attacked. Urias Xhaxin took both women prisoner, for later use in ransoming them off. (PP)

this frozen ball of ice was the fifth and outermost planet of the Adega System. It was orbited by seven moons. (GORW)

Missile Boat
designed by then-Admiral Thrawn during the Galactic Civil War, the missile boat was a modified Cygnus Spaceworks assault gunboat. 15 meters in length, the missile boat was given a SLAM overdrive for quick bursts of power, a single laser cannon, 4 missile launchers, and up to 80 concussion missiles. The ship could achieve sublight speeds of 125 MGLT, and was protected by 120 SBD shields and a 20-RU hull. Many Imperial pilots denounced the new ship, saying that it was not very maneuverable in a dogfight, although it was deadly from long-range. (TIE)

Missile Frigate
this starship design was produced by the Trade Federation as a mobile projectile weapons platform. (JSF)

Missile Tube
any land-based weapon which carries and fires short- and long-range proton or concussion missiles. (HSR)

Mission Commander
this was the title given to the ruling member of the Survivor group on Dellalt. The primary duty of the Mission Commander was to maintain the beacon that sent word of their existence to the High Command, in the hopes that one day the High Command would hear it and return to Dellalt to open the vaults of Xim the despot. Over time, the Survivors began to wonder if the beacon was reaching far enough into space, and the Mission Commander began making blood sacrifices to help augment the beacon's strength. (HSL)

Mission Vao
this young Twi'lek female grew up on the streets of the Lower City on Taris, some 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. Mission spent her early years with her brother, Griff, until he disappeared into the underworld. Mission blamed his girlfriend, Lena, but was unaware of the truth behind her brother's troubles. She made many enemies during her struggles to survive, especially among the Black Vulkars, but a chance meeting with Zaalbar the Wookiee earned her a fast friend and protector. She was known as a quick thinker, a characteristic which helped her escape a number of tight situations during her life. She accompanied Zaalbar wherever he went on Taris, and was usually given the task of scrounging for food, a role she performed quite successfully over the years. When Zaalbar was captured by a group of Gamorrean thugs, Mission found herself turning to a group of Old Republic heroes to rescue him. Among her newfound friends were Bastila Shan and Carth Onasi, and the group quickly became good friends after Zaalbar's escape. Mission and Zaalbar played key roles in the search for Darth Malak, helping to repay the debt for Zaalbar's release. Mission Vao was voiced by Cat Taber for the video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. (KOTOR, SWDB)

Mission, The
this was the term used by the new Jedi order to describe the events surrounding the mission to destroy the Yuuzhan Vong voxyn production facility at Myrkr, more than twenty-five years after the Battle of Yavin. The Jedi who undertook the mission were still training under Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, and included Jaina, Jacen, and Anakin Solo, along with Tesar Sebatyne, Lowbacca, Zekk, Tahiri Veila, and Raynar Thul. Although the mission ultimately succeeded in destroying the voxyn queen, the Jedi paid a heavy price for it. Anakin Solo sacrificed his own life to save his brother, and many other Jedi were killed in battle. Raynar Thul was believed to have died when the Dark Jedi Welk and Lomi Plo stole the Tachyon Flier and tried to escape, only to have the ship nearly destroyed by the Yuuzhan Vong. The survivors of the Mission were also changed by it, since they had chosen to use the battle-meld technique to help themselves survive. The prolonged connection of the meld altered their brains and limbic systems, creating an unusual sort of telepathy between them. It was this link that allowed Raynar to call on his friends for help, after the defeat of the Yuuzhan Vong, when the Colony began to encroach on the borders of Chiss space. (DN1)

this elderly Tarasin female was one of the first of her race to attend the Almas Academy. She was chosen by her irstat to attend the Academy as a representative of her species, after a great deal of debate over whether or not a Tarasin would be able to live outside its tribe. Missira succeeded at her training, and eventually became a Jedi Knight. She also became the Mother of the small population of Tarasin which were attending the Academy during the last decades of the Old Republic. Missira was also in charge of the kitchens at the Academy. (LFC)

this bounty hunter was known as a violent, capable individual, although he very rarely appeared in public. Mist began working in Kathol Sector shortly before the Battle of Endor, but was driven underground by the appearance of Moff Sarne. When Sarne fled the New Republic's warships, Mist began showing up again, although his operations were somewhat questionable. Mist is best known for the heavily-modified suit of Krail 1010 photo-reactive armor he wore. He was hoping to find Sarne and capture him, with the intent of extorting what he felt was just compensation for having been left hanging when Sarne fled. Shortly afterward, Mist encountered an alien construct deep within the Kathol Rift, and soon discovered a piece of the DarkStryder technology. He learned how to control a DarkStryder fire creature, and attempted to defeat the crew of the FarStar with this newfound power. He was defeated aboard the alien construct, and forced to flee before the firepower of the FarStar. During the Battle of Kathol, Mist was discovered to be the actress, Shella Inion, who had believed that the Alliance was responsible for the deaths of her family. When Jessa Dajus revealed that it was Moff Sarne himself who had killed her family, Mist switched allegiances and joined the New Republic in defeating Sarne. (KO, KR, E)

this was one of the many Imperial escort carriers during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)

Mist Creature
see Vapor (MIS8)

Mist Hunter
this was the name of Zuckuss' personal starship. It was specially commissioned by Zuckuss and a group of Gand venture capitalists, with a Byblos Drive Yards G-1A transport ship as the base. It made extensive use of combat cloud car repulsorlift technology. It had room for eight passengers and a metric ton of cargo, and was armed with a pair of assault lasers and a tractor beam projector. (TBH, CCG4, GMR7)

Mist Laden
this Koensayr Sigma-class shuttle was owned and operated by the Gand findsman Lu'daal-ud. It had been extensively modified since it was retired form regular duty, and was armed with a single turret-mounter laser cannon as well as a turret-mounted heavy turbolaser cannon. Lu'daal-ud obtained the ship after capturing its owner in the Imberlin System. (AIR)

a Duchess from Dargul. When she came of marrying age, she began a widespread search for the perfect mate. All candidates had their credentials entered into a computer, and she would marry the one the computer chose. Dack Tymmo sabotaged the results of all the candidates in order to make himself into the "perfect mate," and they were married. Unfortunately for Dack, Mistal is a very affectionate person, and she couldn't bear to be away from him. She did not give him any free time, and so Dack fled to Umgul in an effort to escape her. Mistal offered a million-credit reward for Dack's return, which Lando was able to obtain when he apprehended Tymmo at a blob race. Mistal was grateful to Lando from that point on. (JS)

Mister Mxil
this Mon Calamari arrived on Port Haven shortly after Hallomar, and established the Haven's Water cantina. Mxil had once served as a chief steward aboard the Kuari Princess, but was fired from his job after speaking out against the Empire. With an Imperial bounty on his head, Mxil fled and ended up on Port Haven. He was known for brewing his own liquors and ales, and had discovered that many of the jungle plants found on Port Haven had medicinal or healing properties. Mister Mxil could also cook up a spicy stew, and he rarely charged a visitor for anything as long as they repaid his hospitality. (PSPG)

Mister Threep
the name given by Anakin Solo to C-3PO. (CS)

Mister Tisilan
this Bith financier and art lover was also a noted thief who worked for the Alliance. Tisilan was one of the primary sources of goods within the supply chain maintained by Redda Macrebe, along the Trax Tube, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (SWJ7)

Mistflier, Dusque
the youngest member of a large family based on the planet Talus, this woman worked for the Empire as a biologist during the height of the New Order. When her father died in the factory he was working in, her four brothers tried to keep the family together. Her mother seemed to have died inside, although she kept on living. When her youngest brother enlisted in the Imperial armed forced but died during a training exercise, Dusque's mother began to rail against the Empire, claiming that it had killed her family. She then returned to the shell she had become, leaving Dusque and her surviving brothers to fend for themselves. Despite graduating with high marks and continually scoring higher than her superiors, Dusque always managed to miss out on promotions or better jobs. She knew that this was due to her sex, and so she dressed and acted as unfeminine as possible. However, this didn't deter her from doing the best job possible. Her love of her work was enhanced by the presence of her partner, Tendau Nandon. During a routine mission to a galaxy-wide conference on Naboo, Dusque met Finn Darktrin, who began to question her allegiance to the Empire. While Dusque didn’t openly say it, she had begun to wonder why the Empire treated non-humans so unfairly. Her dedication to the Empire was shattered when Tendau was arrested and executed on the suspicion of being an Alliance sympathizer. She agreed to accompany Finn and set out to join the Alliance. The two were paired on a dangerous mission to Dantooine, where the abandoned Alliance base still stood. Despite having been razed during the Imperial investigation just before the Battle of Yavin, Princess Leia Organa still believed that a holocron containing the names and locations of hundreds of Alliance agents was still on Dantooine. Dusque and Finn set out from Corellia to find it, racing the Empire's agents and the planet's ecosystem to find it. Dusque discovered it hidden in the ashen remains of a campfire, inexplicably located hundreds fo feet belowground, at the site of an ancient Jedi training compound. Her elation at finding the holocron was matched by her growing affection for Finn, although he seemed alternately aloof and eager to return the feeling. It was on their return to the Alliance headquarters that Dusque discovered that Finn himself was an Imperial agent. He managed to send off a small portion of the holocron's contents before Dusque grabbed the object and ejected it into space. Finn had no desire to return to the Alliance, and didn't need Dusque blowing his cover, so he stabbed her in the chest with a knife. As their ship was about to be boarded, Finn blasted away in an escape pod. Dusque found herself being rescued by Luke Skywalker, but had to explain what happened to Finn. However, she believed him dead when no Imperial forces attacked their base on Corellia. (ROD)

this spiralled horn could be hollowed out for use as a musical instrument. The Jedi Master Tionne also used a mist-horn as the handle for her lightsaber. (VF)

this brewed beverage was served on many farmers' tables on the planet Dagro, during the last decades of the Old Republic. (SWI77)

Mistik Arka
this Quarren worked for Urias Xhaxin as a technician aboard the Free Lance during the Galactic Civil War. (PP)

this strange creature is native to the planet Msst. The mistmaker is a large, pink, gelatinous cloud which floast through the jungles, cathing unsuspecting prey in the tentacles which hang from its body. The tentacles are lined with stinging poisons which incapacitate the mistmaker's prey. Once the prey has been immobilized, the mistmaker uses its tentacles to draw the prey into its toothy maw. If destroyed, a mistmaker will explode, showering its attacker with caustic pieces of gelatin that bore into exposed flesh. (TNR)

this light but flavorful dessert was created on the planet Barnaba, for the enjoyment of the nobles in House Barnaba. (LOE)

this Imperial Lieutenant served as the commander of stormtrooper squadron assigned to the shuttle Resurgence during the Galactic Civil War. (SWCP)

Mistress Crimson
this was an alias used by Celia Durasha, when she took up smuggling after her escape from the Kuari Princess. (SWJ5)

Mistress Dragon
the name given by Jacen Solo to the huge, lizard-like creature Hethrir has captured and uses as a guardian for the Empire Youth camp. The beast could very well be a Duinuogwuin. Jacen's growing ability to converse with animals is further heightened when he encounters the dragon, and he convinces Mistress Dragon to help the children escape from the compound. (CS)

Mistress Mnemos
this huge computer system was rumored to have been maintained by the Alliance as an intergalactic database. C-3PO was able to interface with Mnemos to gather information on Blackhole. Located on one of the most secret safeworlds the Alliance maintained, Mnemos had a feminine personality and was given a good deal of programming on etiquette and protocol. She required that any being making inquiries of her memory bank follow set procedures, and omit any irrelevant or unnecessary details. While the knowledge contained within Mnemos's memory banks was generally believed to be extensive, it was only as good as the data that it was given. Much of the information on Luke Skywalker's family history, for example, was misleading or simply wrong. (CSWEA, LAT1, GMR4)

Mistryl Shadow Guards
this mysterious sisterhood formed the basic unit of society on the planet Emberlene. The Mistryl Shadow Guards were personally commissioned by the Eleven Elders of the People to protect and defend not only Emberlene but other down-trodded peoples as well. Any pay the Mistryls acquired was returned to Emberlene, in order for the native population to purchase the necessities of life. During the height of the Clone Wars, the government of Emberlene allied itself with the Separatists, which allowed them to obtain the military resources to expand their sphere of control. The Mistryl grew larger and more powerful with every subjugation, until the Clone Wars suddenly came to an end. Without Separatist backing, the Mistryl Shadow Guards were unable to continue their subjugation of the neighbors, and could no longer defend the worlds they had conquered. The planets that had been subjugated by the Mistryl joined together, combining their meager resources to form a huge army of soliders and mercenaries that staged a massive rebellion against Emberlene and the Mistryl. The rebellion was exceptionally devastating, as it nearly wiped out all life on Emberlene. The few natives who survived chose to rewrite history, blaming the Empire for the destruction of their homeworld. This new history also provided a new reason for the existence of the Mistryl, claiming that the Mistryl had been created to exact torturous and devastating acts of revenge against the Empire. Despite this, many independent Mistryl sometimes worked for the Empire in order to obtain funds, although they never aligned themselves with Palpatine's forces. At their heart, the Mistryl Shadow Guards worked at every opportunity to exact some form of revenge on the Empire for its part in Emberlene's destruction, although most never knew that the Empire had nothing to do with the devastation of the planet. (SWJ9, HG)

Mistryl Warriors
these well-muscled, female warriors from the planet Emberlene formed the ranks of the Mistryl Shadow Guard. (COTF, TME, SOP, VOF, HG)

this was the name used to describe the ultra-pure water condensed from the clouds of the planet Barnaba. It was bottled and sold throughout Tapani Sector, and commanded a high price during the height of the New Order. (LOE)

Misty Falls Clan
this clan of Force-sensitive witches was native to the planet Dathomir. Like nearly all clans of Dathomiri witches, the Misty Falls Clan worked from the Light Side of the Force. Their home was located on the banks o a tributary to the Frenzied River. (SA, GORW)

this corporation produced some of the finest repulsorlift engines of the last decades of the Old Republic. (CRBN)

this name was given to female Zabrak, and meant "good gardener" - or, more literally, "grain-wife". (GCG)

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