a race native to the planet Alpheridies, they are born without eyes. However, through the use of the Force, they can see as well as any sighted race. Outwardly, the average Miraluka individual appeared to be a normal Human, with a decorative veil covering their face. They original Miraluka migrated to Alpherides several millennia before the Great Sith War, fleeing a planet which was geologically and tectonically unstable. Their innate abilities with the Force were brought to the forefront as genetic mutations brought on by Abron's infrared radiation eliminated their eyes. Very few Miraluka ever left the Alpherides, choosing not to disrupt their equilibrium. When Emperor Palpatine instituted his Jedi Purge, many Miraluka were killed or forced into hiding, and they remained aloof from the rest of the galaxy for many decades afterward. Note that the LucasArts website for Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords indicates that the Miraluka died out some 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin.