this female humanoid was one of the many Jedi Knights who felt that the Jedi Order was becoming too militaristic during the early years of the Clone Wars. She was originally trained by Master Sora Bulq, and remained loyal to the Weequay during the escalation of conflicts. After openly refusing to accept the rank of General, she left the Order to follow Sora Bulq to Ruul in protest of the Jedi's participation in the war. A tall, pale-skinned woman, Mira was distinguished by the patterns of spots which surrounded her eyes. When Master Bulq was attacked by Asajj Ventress, it was Mira who felt the disturbance in the Force and came to help him. Unfortunately, Mira was no match for Ventress' skills with a lightsaber, and was quickly killed in battle. Ventress claimed that she had been sent to Ruul by Mace Windu himself, in an effort to drive Master Bulq farther from the Jedi.