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a frozen world on which the native jungles have been reduced to small clumps covered by protective domes. The jungles, which once filled the planet's volcanic rift valleys, produce vine-silk and vine-coffee. The domes are kept safe from the planet's geological activity by apex-mounted antigrav support systems, and have special light-amplification systems to keep the jungles warm. It has been occupied since just before the rise of Emperor Palpatine, but the domes have been in place for only 14 years. The planet has been an independent ally of the Republic for a number of years. Belsavis is located in the Ninth Quadrant, near the Senex Sector. (COJ)

Belsavis Kretch
this was the name of the smashball team based on the planet Belsavis, during the last decades of the Old Republic. (HNN5)

one of the two northern island continents located on the planet Kabaira. (SWJ7)

Belshar Othacuu
this unimportant Core world was the site of a secret COMPNOR base during the Galactic Civil War. (CRO)

Belsmuth II
this planet, the second in the Belsmuth System, was the site of an Imperial technical university which was converted to a pilot training academy by Warlord Zsinj during the early years of the New Republic. The facility was assaulted by Rogue and Nova Squadrons, in an effort to confuse Zsinj about the location of Han Solo's task force. (SOC)

this was one of the many moons of the planet Gentes. During the Clone Wars, the Separatist forces under the command of General Grievous maintained control of Gentes and the Anoat System from a base on Belsus. Although Belsus was an arid world capable of sustaining life, Grievous ordered his droid armies to eliminate most of the population of the moon, in order to maintain the secrecy of his base. The reason for the secrecy surrounded Grievous' plans to meld the Force-sensitivity of captured Jedi Padawans to specialized Geonosian technologies, in an effort to create a Force-sensitive version of himself. (SWGG)

Belt of Honor
this was the symbol of an Ewok youth who had proved he was ready to become a warrior. (ECAR)

Belt Pirates
see Phosphura Belt Pirates. (LAA)

Belt, The
this was one of the major skyways found within the city of Efavan, on the planet Vorzyd 5. It snaked between the Westrex district and High Town, and connected the Arch to the western part of the city. (GORW)

Belt, The
this dense field of rocky debris was located in the Vex System, in the Moddell Sector of the galaxy. The Belt almost completely surrounded the swampy world of Vex Major, making it exceptionally difficult to navigate to the planet. A collection of outposts were established in The Belt by independent prospectors, freighter jockeys, and scientists, and a thriving business sprang up around hiding fugitive starships in the asteroids during the Imperial occupation of Moddell Sector. (GMR9)

this man was the governor of Balmorra during the years in which Palpatine's clones tried to retake the galaxy. Following years of oppression at Imperial hands, Beltane became a supporter of the New Republic after the reborn Emperor's death on Byss. When Sedriss the Executor rose to power, Beltane tried to keep Balmorra free of Imperial oppression by battling Sedriss with the weapons produced on the planet. Sedriss bowed to Beltane in order to gain more weapons. (DE2)

this was one of the Ugnaught people's blood professions, passed down from generation to generation within a family. Belters were known for their skills in mining asteroids. (GG2)

one of the planets visted by the Night Caller shortly before it was captured by Wraith Squadron near Xobome 6. Belthu was a wealthy world, built from mining colonies and controlled by the corporate executives. The cororate leaders were under the control of Zsinj shortly after the Battle of Endor, and provided him with durasteel in support of his war machine. (WS)

Beltrix III
this planet was the third world of the Beltrix System, which was part of the Six Local Systems. It was believed that Beltrix III served as the primary base of operations for the Alliance in the Six Local Systems, during the early years of the Galactic Civil War. (GMR6)

Belt-Runner I
this was one of the floating stations Lando Calrissian used to monitor and maintain the ships running through Lando's Folly, near Destrillion and Dubrillion. The station itself measured some 284 meters in length, and required a crew of 86 to keep it maintained and running. For insurance, Lando kept the station's twenty turbolasers primed an active. The specially-adapted TIE starfighters used to run the asteroid belt were protected by Belt-Runner I with a system known as collision shields, a combination of repulsor fields, shields, and defensive arrays to protect the small ships, all of which were operated from the remote station. When the Yuuzhan Vong moved to wipe out Dubrillion, Lando was forced to use his forces in a defensive capacity. His ships were not designed for this, however, and when Belt-Runner I took heavy fire, it was forced to withdraw the shielding energy it provided to the starfighters in order to protect itself. This was not enough to save Belt-Runner I, though, as the station continued to take heavy fire from the Yuuzhan Vong and was eventually reduced to cinders. (VP, NJOSB)

when the Lusankya was refitted, following the Battle of Coruscant, for use as a weapon against the Yuuzhan Vong worldship blockading Borleias, much of the ship's central core was removed. The huge space, running the length of the ship's keel almost to the engines, was known as the Beltway. When completed, the Beltway was essentially an immense needle-shaped ramming device. This became the centerpiece of Operation Emperor's Spear, a reference to the false nature of the Starlancer Project and to the Beltway's shape. (EL2)

Belvarian Firegnats
swarming, bioluminescent insects which create colorful patterns when viewed at night. Some say that the nightlights on Coruscant resemble a swarm of these insects. (SE)

this bounty hunter wore a suit of HuntSuit armor, but found that its sensor systems were greatly affected by the level of ambient radiation. (GUN)

Bem Lyu'kij
this was one of the Bothans assigned to watch over Kathol Sector during the early years of the New Republic. As a member of the Bothan Combat Response Element, Bem's mission was to track the actions of Moff Kentor Sarne and the Imperials who still operated in the sector. Bem was distinguished by the long chin whiskers he braided into two strands at either side of his jaw. Although he was subordinate to Velst Nay'sro, Bem was not afraid to speak his mind. (E)

the Alliance recruiter who signed up Keyan Farlander. (XW)

this cold-climate creature was often hunted for its hide. (TMEC)

this near-human Vorzydiak, a native of the planet Vorzyd 5, was a member of the Freelies during the Galactic Civil War.. He was captured by the Imperials on the planet and torutred fro information, until he was rescued by Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa. When the other Freelies kidnapped the two Alliance agents and held them for ransom, Bemmie tried to tell the others that the Empire was the real enemy. In the ambsuh that followed, Bemmie gave his life helping Luke and Leia escape Imperial capture. (CSWEA)

one of the few Imperial Moffs who survived during the New Republic, Bemos was one of the primary leaders of the Empire some ten years after the death of Grand Admiral Thrawn. He was present at the conference held by Admiral Pellaeon, during which the remnants of the Empire discussed surrendering to the Republic. Like Moff Andray, Bemos thought the idea of surrender was preposterous. When Bemos was nervous or agitated, he often fiddled with the codoran ring on his finger. (SOP)

Ben Het
a Dimok Light Calamari cruiser operative during the Sepan Civil War. (TIE)

Ben Hu'al
this being was one of many Sith magicians who worked on the creation of a creature that hunted almost purely by sound, during the centuries leading up to the Great Sith War. Records of the experiments indicated that Ben Hu'al was an inept scientist. (KOTOR)

Ben Quadinaros
this flat-bodied Toong was one of the Outer Rim's least-experienced podracer pilots. He drove a lumbering, Balta-Trabaat BT410 Quadra-Pod podracer that was propelled by four engines, instead of the usual two. Quadinaros and his extended family fled their homeworld of Toong'l after the planetary environment was destroyed by two comet strikes. They lived on Tund for a short period before arriving on Tatooine shortly before the Battle of Naboo. Ben entered the Boonta Eve Classic podracer on a bet from Boles Roor, who wagered five million wupiupi that Ben was too scared to even bring his racer to the starting line. Just after the start of the race, which was won by Anakin Skywalker, the energy binders on Ben's pod were unable to take the strain of controlling the four engines. They let loose, and the four engines flew off in separate directions, leaving Ben unable to compete. Despite this set-back, Ben came out of the race five million wupiupi richer, after winning the bet with Boles. Note that the Official Star Wars Website (http://www.starwars.com) claims that the bet was in peggats, not wupiupi. (TPM, IS1, IG1, PRT, OWS, NEGC)

this city, located on the planet Issor, was known for the educational institutions located in its environs. (SWJ7)

this man was a shipmate of Rosen and Carewa, and a companion of Cecil the Wookiee. They often hung out while on shoreleave, playing sabacc in the local bars. Note that this is a reference to the baseball player Johnny Bench. (SWJ11)

Bendbelly Dark
this heavy, full-bodied beer was popular during the New Order. (SWJ11)

this planet was the primary world in the Bendeluum System, located in the Outer Rim's Anoat Sector. Many in the Greater Javin considered Bendeluum to be a toned-down version of Gerrenthum, a world where the markets and services were less profitable than the sector capital. This allowed a thriving underworld to gain a foothold on Bendeluum, but the planet never developed a dangerous reputation. The Nothoiin who controlled the criminal element of the planet managed to keep their fingers in nearly every aspect of Bendeluum's financial situation. (WOA33)

Bendeluum System
this planetary system had limited Alliance support during the Galactic Civil War. (GG2)

this physician was based on Cloud City, in orbit around Bespin, during the height of the New Order. (FTD)

this small corporation produced the XR12 line of personal use spacecraft. (IWE1)

Bendix Fust
this Mordageen criminal was hunted down by Zam Wesell, and eventually caught and imprisoned on Oovo IV sometime before the Battle of Naboo. Shortly afterward, Jango Fett discovered that the Dug crimelord Sebolto had an outstanding bounty for Fust's recovery. Sebolto had wanted to kill Bendix himself, in response to his connection to the loss of Sebolto's operations in the Gazzari Ssytem. Fett had been trying to arrange a meeting with Sebolto for some time, in connection to his own search for the Bando Gora cult, a mission Fett had accepted from Count Dooku. Fett managed to break Fust out of the Oovo IV facility, along with Zam's help, then transported him to Malastare. Zam then took Bendix to Sebolto, while Jango infiltrated the base from a separate direction, removing any obstacles in their way. (SWDB, BH)

this Ithorian surname was believed to mean "guardian", according to historian who studied the Ithorian race. (GCG)

this planet is the homeworld of the Howler Tree People. (LO)

this newsfeed was popular in the floating city of Morjanssik, on Calamari, during the last decades of the Old Republic. It was a highly pro-Quarren newsfeed, and its counterculture stance on many political issues - especially during the Clone Wars - provided enough fodder to keep young Quarren angry and belligerent. (SWI73)

this sect of non-confrontational monks made their home in a monastery, high in the Andobi Mountains of the planet Ando Prime. Their beliefs and their village have remained unchanged for hundreds of years. The symbol of the Bendu monks was a circle joined to eight spokes, signifying the number nine. This symbol represented the presence of The Force in a unified galaxy, and was later used by the Old Republic as a symbol of its authority. The eight-rayed circle was later perverted by Emperor Palpatine, who created a six-spoked symbol for the Empire. Note that Star Wars: Episode III Incredible Cross-Sections indicates that the Bendu symbol was modified to have six spokes by the Jedi Knights, following the Unification Wars that formed the Old Republic. (RAC, X2, X3)

Bendu Fry
this obese Devaronian male was wanted by the Black Sun organization, and a bounty was placed on his gead during the height of the New Order. Boba Fett accepted the bounty, especially since it allowed Fry to be brought in dead or alive. Fett apprehended Fry with minimal effort, since Fry was a boisterous individual who made to effort to hide his activities. IN an effort to remain alive, Fry claimed that a Jedi Knight was hidden on the planet, hoping to throw Fett off his own trail. Fett tracked down the individual Fry described, only to learn that he was not a true Jedi, but the son of a Twi'leki Jedi who was killed during the Battle of Geonosis. After Fett learned that the Twi'lek had lost his father at Geonosis, he allowed the Twi'lek to live and then returned to Fry. Angry at having been delayed in his hunt, Fett shot Fry at point-blank range, reducing the Devaronian to ashes. (T18)

Bendu Village
this was the name of the settlement occupied by the Bendu monks who lived in the Andobi Mountains of Ando Prime. (RAC)

this Dug was a minor podracer who lived in the city of Mos Espa, on Tatooine, during the early years of the New Order. He was one of the first racers to discover that the Ungasan Cross Country race, held on the planet Ando Prime, was actually a front for the illegal mining of vonium. He'd learned of the operation from Ree, who had hoped to bring the Dug into the Ungasan criminal organization. Benduki figured he could sell the information to the Desilijic Hutts for more credits, and politely refused Ree's offer. Ree, however, alerted Ungasan to the Dug's knowledge, and Benduki spent much of his time avoiding Ungasan's thugs. (GMR2)

this rare mineral was found on a few desert planets across the galaxy. (IWE1)

Beneath the Galdronian Moon: A Modern Lover's Epic
this romance novel, written by Verigriss Tranex, described the trials and tribulations of Mareoian and Rekvan during the height of the New Order. (GFT)

Beneficent Tasia
this was the flagship of the fleet, commissioned by Queen Elsinore' den Tasia, to carry explorers from Grizmallt to a new planet, many millennia before the Battle of Naboo. The Beneficent Tasia, along with the Constant and the Mother Vima, settled on the planet Naboo some 3,900 years before the Battle of Yavin. (GB)

Benelex Bounty Hunters Guild
headquartered on Paquallis III, Benelex once held Jodo Kast as one of its hunters. This guild was a corporate offspring of the Drearian Defense Conglomerate, the result of Corvastan Benelex's rescue of the son of one of DDC's vice presidents. Over the years, Benelex developed an intense rivalry with the Tresario Bounty Hunters Guild. (SWG6, TOD, GG10)

Benelex, Corvastan
this man was the chief executive officer of House Benelex and the Benelex Bounty Hunters Guild. He was once a bounty hunter himself, and saved the son of the vice-president of the Drearian Defense Conglomerate from Thalassian slavers. Benelex himself was severely injured in the attempt, and his bounty hunter days were cut short. In order to repay the debt, the vice president funded Benelex's dream: the Benelex Bounty Hunters Guild. (GG10)

this arid, rocky world is the first planet in the Atrig System. It has no natural satellites. (PG2)

this Nebulon-B frigate was one of the primary medical ships of the former House Pelagia naval fleet. During the Mecetti Purge, much of the House Pelagia fleet was destroyed, and the Benevolence was damaged. The Herglic merchant Melchi took command of the ship and began coordinating a relief effort. In reward for his service, Melchi was awarded full command of the Benevolence by House Pelagia. The Great Council voted to fund a complete refitting of the ship, creating a state-of-the-art medical frigate. Melchi and his crew then traveled throughout Tapani Sector, providing medical service wherever needed. (LOE)

Benevolent Guides
this was the name used to describe the roles of V-Tan and O-Vieve within the General Good of the planet Kegan. They formed a government which was largely democractic, although the Benevolent Guides ultimately decided which issues the populace could vote on. In this manner, the Benevolent Guides maintained absolute control over Kegan. (FFT)

Benevolent III
this was the personal cruiser used by Baroness Omnino, during the last decades of the Old Republic (LSOM)

Ben-Faris, Alek
this man was one of House Pelagia's greatest diplomats. Although he served in Tapani Sector during the Clone Wars as an advisor and mediator, Ben-Faris was actually a native of Brentaal. (LOE)

Manaroo once danced on this ocean world, and rafted on its storm-darkened waters in between competitions. (TBH)

this planet is known for its seedy underground and dangerous reputation. (VOF)

Bengis Tok
this being was a noted crimelord of the New Order. (SWJ2)

a city located on the continent Kreessi, on the planet Algara II. (PG2)

Benja Da'aapp
this Gruvian and his wife, Olall, were tourists who had probably seen more of the galaxy than any living being at the height of the New Order. They carried all sorts of cameras and recording equipment to document their travels, and were known to stop unsuspecting spacers in a starport to ask them to take their picture. (PSPG)

this desert planet was the site of the Temple of Tet-Ami, which held the Orb of Passage. (T13)

Benkal Plagues
this was a series of disasters perpetrated by the Happy Blasters. (SWJ13)

this doctor was assigned to the Imperial outpost on Lotide. He was extremely old and growing quite senile by the time of the Battle of Yavin. He was the first point of contact for the group of Alliance agents who infiltrated the Lotide outpost, claiming to be academicians from Dakot Seven. Benkin had no idea who they were, and invited them to look around the base. (BI)

Bennbus Polag
this pompous Arconan entrepreneur made his money in just about every shady scheme known in the galaxy. He worked his way up from a lowly pickpocket to becoming the leader of a backwater planet's primary settlement. As he gained experience as a leader and politician, Polag cleaned up his businesses and became more respectable. During the Galactic Civil War, the Alliance pursued Polag during their search for agent Nallok. Polag agreed to help the agents, but instead sold them to the Imperial forces on the planet. (IA)

Benner Dunnit
this was one of the more laughable aliases used by the bounty hunter Nada Synnt. (SWJ10)

this young man worked as a baggage carrier at the Kuat Passenger Port, during the height of the New Order. Benni also worked as an infochant, buying and selling information to travellers moving through the Port. (PSPG)

Bennor, Lon
this teenager was one of the primary organizers of relief activities on the planet Kolatill, after Imperial Moff Kentor Sarne bombed the planet during his flight from Kal'Shebbol. (DARK)

this con artist managed to pursuade a group of Alliance operatives to search out a ship for him, in return for a group of old Nebulon-B frigates. Bennova was really trying to recover the ship from Treetor. (RPG.)

this city was once one of the largest urban centers found on the planet Vulpter, until the Trade Federation arrived and closed down many of its industrial facilities. Within a few years, Benoga had been abandoned by both the Federation and the native Vulptereen. (PH)

this being worked as a security guard for Loopak Slusk and The Exchange, onboard Citadel Station, during the years following the Jedi Civil War. Benok and his fellow thugs were killed when they tried to eliminate The Exile, who was sent to meet with Slusk by Chodo Habat. (KOTOR2)

this planet, located within the Delantine system, is the world closest to the primary planet of Delantine. (SA1)

this was one of the many Twi'lek clans that lived in the city of Kala'uun. (GORW)

Ben's Mesa
this piece of tableland, located outside Mos Espa on Tatooine, was known for its convoluted edges. It was named for Ben Neluenf, the greatest Tatooine-born podracer. During the hayday of podracing, Jabba the Hutt established the Mos Espa Circuit racecourse, which wound through the desert surrounding Ben's Mesa. (IWE1)

Bent Diamond Formation
this was a formation used by Imperial ground forces to infiltrate an enemy facility. A group of four men walked in the bent diamond formation - with one man at the point, two on each side and behind, and the fourth in front of them - to cover all possible angles of attack. (TLC)

Bent Lekku
this cantina was located in the Kala'uun Starport on Ryloth, during the last decades of the Old Republic. (WOA2)

this creature, native to the planet Shaum Hii, is a large avian used by the Kian'thar as transportation. They feed on the fish of the planet's oceans. Each Kian'thar establishes a bond with its bentail, and the rapport between them allows them to anticipate each other's actions during the round-up of derlacs. (GG12)

this youth, a native of Starpoint on Draenell's Point, was the leader of the gang known as Benthar's Boys. After his girlfriend and second-in-command, Droxie, left him to join the Vibroblades, Benthar was kidnapped by the Vibroblades and held for ransom. There was a team of Alliance agents on the planet, investigation the construction of the Empire's suuply depot in the system, and they were drawn into the gangwar when they exposed Plessus Weege as an Imperial spy. The agents helped rescue Benthar, then convinced both gangs to stop fighting each other and start working against the Empire. (GMK)

Benthar's Boys
this gang of youths was quite powerful during the height of the New Order, but found a dangerous rival in the Vibroblades after the Empire took control of their homeworld, Draenell's Point. The Imperial presence only served to escalate their gangwar, as it brought out tensions which had remained hidden. After a group of Alliance agents rescued Benthar from the Vibroblades, they convinced both gangs to combine their efforts and fight against the Empire, instead of battling against themselves. (GMK)

Benton, Carill
this man was the Chief Executive Officer of Data Equity Management, Incorporated. In reality, though, this was an alias used by Imperial Ubiqtorate official Devton Cirrilla. (LOE)

Bentora Space
this area of the galaxy was known for its tightly-knit clans. (SWJ5)

Benwabulan Gong
this large gong was known for its throbbing ring, which resonated long after it was struck. (MJH)

Benyalle, Tirgee
this aging woman was the crimelord who took control of the planet Kaal after the Empire abandoned it. She exploited the planet's aquacultural resources, and got rich exporting massive quantities of foodstuffs to the galaxy. Unknown to Benyalle, her organization had been infiltrated by agents of Imperial Admiral Kermen, and even her bodyguard had been bribed to allow the Imperials a chance to take over. The bodyguard, a Twi'lek named Sendir, stabbed Benyalle in the back when Kermen tried to take command of Kaal, but Sendir was captured by agents of the New Republic. They assisted Benyalle, taking her to a medical station and saving her life. She later made a deal with the New Republic, giving them exclusive rights to the foodstuffs harvested on Kaal. (SWJ2, SWJ7)

this industrial diamond was created for use in the drilling and mining implements used on the planet Sullust. (GCG)

this name was common among Sullustan males, and referred to an industrial diamond used in the heavy drills employed in Sullustan mines. (GCG)

Beolars Bribbs
this Sullustan was elected to serve as the Chief Executive Officer of SoroSuub Corporation, as well as the President of the Sullustan Council, shortly before the onset of the Clone Wars. A strong supporter of the Commerce Guild, it was believed that Bribbs' first action as President of the Sullustan Council was to enact a law that would have given SoroSuub shareholders two votes for every one vote held by a native Sullustan. (HNN4)

a genetically-grown food created in Bith hydroponics tanks. Bepp is grown into a 6-centimeter pink cube, and is nutritious but tasteless. (COJ)

this incredibly old man was known as "The Cardinal" aboard the Tanquilla Beach space station, and was forced to move about in a repulsorchair. Bequesh was the unquestioned manager of the space station, being the only survivor of the team of outlaw techs who first founded the station. Despite his age, Bequesh was active in the day-to-day operations of the station, even during the early years of the New Republic. (DARK)

Bequin Fobas
this Nimbanel served as Zorba the Hutt's attorney, during Zorba's trial for the theft of ulikuo stones on the planet Kip. He was unable to appeal Zorba's sentencing to forty-five years in prison, because Ki['s legal system prohibited appeals. (HNN4)

this city was located on the western hemisphere of Bacrana. (FBS)

this Adumari male was the assistant manager of the Challabae Admits-No-Equal Aerial Eruptive Manufacturing Concern, in the city of Cartann on Adumar. He escorted Wedge Antilles and his Red Flight pilots on a tour of the proton torpedo manufacturing facility. He was a thin man with a ridiculously curled moustache held in place with some sort of wax. (SOA)

the leader of the Charon race, Ber'asco was also the commander of the starship Desolate. He had his natural body armor augmented by his bioscientists to the point that he was virtually indestructible. His rise to power within the Charon death cult has led him to believe that he is the Final Prophet, meant to lead his people to extinguish all non-Charon life and lead the Charon into the Void. However, even after eliminating all life in Otherspace, Ber'asco had not received any answers about how to truly enter the Void. When the Alliance transport Celestial was flung into Otherspace and captured by the Desolate, Ber'asco thought that he had found the missing link to the Void. Grand Moff Ravik told him of the multitude of life that existed outside Otherspace, and Ber'asco allowed Ravik to live in return for passage to realspace. When Alliance agents attempted to rescue the crew of the Celestial, Ber'asco's plans were thwarted, but only temporarily. He survived their assault and fled back into the recesses of Otherspace, where he planned an assault on the known galaxy. He had his Charon bioscientists design a hyperdrive for the Desolate, and planned to use coordinates from the captured vessel Celestial to make his jump. However, when Ber'asco linked to the ship's computer to coordinate the jump, the mind of Grand Moff Ravik attacked. Ravik took control of Ber'asco's body, and flung his mind into the computer's recesses. Ber'asco eventually found Bane Nothos' body in cryogenic storage, and took control of it. Ber'asco pursued Ravik to Stronghold, an Alliance safeworld, where he joined with a group of Alliance soldiers to halt the Charon advance and defeat Ravik. In a physical struggle that paralleled their mental battle, Ravik crushed the human form of Ber'asco and killed both Nothos and Ber'asco, but not before sustaining large amounts of damage himself. (OS, OS2)

this planet was blockaded by the Empire for its political stance regarding the New Order. Its economy was based on low-tech mining exports, and depended on food and medical supplies imported from other worlds. The Empire used Defender ion mines to keep starships away. Airen Cracken and a group of Alliance starships got through the blockade by sending out agents in vacuum suits to disarm the mines. (CFG)

primary planet in the Berchest system, it was a major tourist attraction during the Old Republic, mainly because of Calius saj Leeloo. The Clone Wars severely reduced the tourist trade, and Berchest suffered. When the Empire came into power, Berchest was usurped as an Imperial trade trade world, and has remained under Imperial control following the Battle of Endor. Note that The Last Command Sourcebook indicates that Berchest was in the Anthos Sector, but The Last Command infers that Berchest was in the Orus Sector. (TLC, LCSB)

this race was native to the planet Berchest. (TLC)

Berchestian Civil Service
this was the primary governmental and administrative body of the planet Berchest. (TTSB)

this Harixian youth escaped from the Gektl Rahz with the help of Luke Skywalker, C-3PO, and R2-D2. He was adamantly against any further actions that didn't directly lead to the rescue of his mother, Myoris, who was still in Rahz's control. Together, they managed to outwit Rahz and rescue Myoris. (CSWEA)

the primary planet in the Berea System in the Elrood Sector, Berea is a rocky, mountainous world which was owned and operated by Imperial Mining, Limited. Berea was often beseiged by hail storms and violent winds, and the nighttime temperature that often drops below freezing. Many Imperial prisoners captured during the Galactic Civil War were sent to labor camps on Berea. (PG3, OE)

this mining rig was operated by Imperial Mining, Limited, during the Empire's occupation of Elrood Sector. It was built from a standard TaggeCo. mining rig, which was coupled to a stripped-down Quasar Fire-class bulk cruiser. (OE)

Berec Tanaal
this skilled tracker and bounty hunter joined the Alliance just before the Battle of Hoth. Tanaal was evacuated from Echo Base on the Bright Hope, and was chosen by Toryn Farr to lead one of the groups which escaped in a life pod. (TBH)

this providence of the planet Lianna was involved in the last great independence war recorded on the planet, attempting to free Lianna from the control of the Kingdom of Barseg. Nothing remains of the providence or the society that lived there. (ML)

Berenko, Omar
this man, a native of the planet Naboo, was known for his thought-provoking, though often tragic, poetry. Berenko lived several centuries before the Battle of Naboo, and spent much of his life in the Lake Country with a group of Gungans and offworlders. He lived in the Varykino retreat which was later owned by the Amidala family. He disappeared suddenly after a a group of unknown assailants kidnapped him from the balcony, and Berenko was never seen again. (IWE2)

this is a species of tentacled, stub-fingered creatures. (HM)

an aromatic plant used by Wuher and C2-R4 in brewing the perfect liqueur for Jabba the Hutt. (TME)

this Alliance soldier was part of the group traveling with the Millennium Falcon during the search for Project Starscream. He was killed by he was consumed by Eppon on the planet Kiva. (GOF6)

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