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the leader of the Charon race, Ber'asco was also the commander of the starship Desolate. He had his natural body armor augmented by his bioscientists to the point that he was virtually indestructible. His rise to power within the Charon death cult has led him to believe that he is the Final Prophet, meant to lead his people to extinguish all non-Charon life and lead the Charon into the Void. However, even after eliminating all life in Otherspace, Ber'asco had not received any answers about how to truly enter the Void. When the Alliance transport Celestial was flung into Otherspace and captured by the Desolate, Ber'asco thought that he had found the missing link to the Void. Grand Moff Ravik told him of the multitude of life that existed outside Otherspace, and Ber'asco allowed Ravik to live in return for passage to realspace. When Alliance agents attempted to rescue the crew of the Celestial, Ber'asco's plans were thwarted, but only temporarily. He survived their assault and fled back into the recesses of Otherspace, where he planned an assault on the known galaxy. He had his Charon bioscientists design a hyperdrive for the Desolate, and planned to use coordinates from the captured vessel Celestial to make his jump. However, when Ber'asco linked to the ship's computer to coordinate the jump, the mind of Grand Moff Ravik attacked. Ravik took control of Ber'asco's body, and flung his mind into the computer's recesses. Ber'asco eventually found Bane Nothos' body in cryogenic storage, and took control of it. Ber'asco pursued Ravik to Stronghold, an Alliance safeworld, where he joined with a group of Alliance soldiers to halt the Charon advance and defeat Ravik. In a physical struggle that paralleled their mental battle, Ravik crushed the human form of Ber'asco and killed both Nothos and Ber'asco, but not before sustaining large amounts of damage himself.
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