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Interview with Mary Oyaya

The Autograph Bounty Hunter spoke with Mary Oyaya, model of great beauty and Jedi Master extraordinaire. She is featured for the first time on screen in Attack of the Clones, but was also protagonist in Alan Dean Foster?s novel ?Approaching Storm?, set mere weeks before Episode II. Mary was kind enough to offer us the opportunity to get some exclusive autographs and agreed to do the interview via e-mail. Enjoy this in depth chat with Mary. I know I did?

Luminara Unduli, Jedi Master

Jedi Knights use their powers of subtle perception to resolve conflicts through negotiation and diplomacy. They seek peace through justice, knowing that true harmony can rarely be forced upon a situation. Nonetheless, mystical philosophy has never blinded the Jedi to the practical need for force in intractable situations, and the most studied Jedi diplomats are capable of drawing their lightsabers in an eyeblink when crisis demands it. When war preparations are discovered on Geonosis, Mace Windu is quick to act, leading a Jedi expedition of all available fighters to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Through many years of practice, Luminara has increased her joints? flexibility to easily allow extreme lightsaber moves that are impossible for ordinary humanoids. (from AOTC Visual Dictionary by David West Reynolds, page 60-61)

This is our chance to get some answers from her alter ego: the acclaimed actress, model and very kind lady Mary Oyaya.

Mark: Mary, thank you for taking the time to talk to the Belgian fans. How does it feel to be approached by us? It proves that Luminara Unduli appeals to audiences all over the world, no?

Mary: I must admit I am flattered and at the same time thrilled that people from around the world do like the character I played and are going to such lengths to learn more about me and the character. I am really glad to have this interview for the Belgian fans, especially since I have never been to Belgium and yet I have already had a taste of the Belgian generosity when I got a gift of some of the tastiest chocolate.

Mark: In the US, you have found fame as Unduli. It is said that the American fans are quite different from others. Do you have a perspective on that? Did you notice this at recent conventions you attended in the US?

Mary: Are they? In what way? All my fans have just been absolutely marvelous, friendly and supportive. I think they are the best fans around. I?ve met many American fans, Japanese and Australian. The few European fans I?ve met have also been very supportive. I think Star Wars fans are the greatest!

Mark: Back to your work on Episode II. When and how did you land the part of Luminara Unduli?

Mary: I got this part through my agent in Sydney about four months before the shooting commenced at Fox Studios. Basically Lucasfilm was looking for a particular look, which as it turned out, I had. There were a lot of people at the casting but, as I was to be told later, as soon as I walked into the room they knew straight away I was the right person for the part.

Mark: On the set, while shooting, you had to wear the Jedi robes. Did they give you enough freedom to move in?

Mary: Yes, I did have enough freedom for movement. They were carefully designed even to withstand extreme movement in combat like in the Arena Battle. In fact, I had to do some of the scenes on my own and they held out well. The robes do give the desired effect for every scene and situation, including hiding a lightsaber well (see ?The Approaching Storm?).

Mark: How well do you know Nalini Krishan, who plays your Padawan?

Mary: I first knew Nalini on the set during the shooting of the movie and since then I have been to the Star Wars Celebration II in Indiana with her (May 2002). We have both just had an appearance as guests of honor at the Star Wars Power House Museum Exhibition screening of ?The Empire Strikes Back? and ?Return of the Jedi? movies.

Mark: I guess there was a lot of blue screen involved in the shooting of your scenes?

Mary: You?re right about that!

Mark: What was your impression on the end product? Did you like Episode II and if so, what did you like best of it?

Mary: The end product was very good. I mean, even though a lot of what is filmed gets cut out, I believe it is for the good of the movie. Otherwise we would end up with 6 hour long movies.

Mark: A lot of us wouldn?t mind that!

Mary: Personally I like the fact that we finally get to see lots of Jedi in action. I will always treasure the moment when Mace holds a light saber on Jango?s neck and announces that the party is over, and then I see myself getting ready for action!

Mark: Were you familiar with the saga before joining the cast?

Mary: I?m more familiar with it now!

Mark: Any chance you?ll be in Episode III?

Mary: Hopefully. Only time will tell.

Mark: Luminara Unduli and Bariss Offee are also main characters in the novel by Alan Dean Foster: ?The Approaching Storm?. Have you read this book?

Mary: The novel came out way after we filmed the movie. But I do like the way Alan Dean Forster developed the character of Luminara. She has a very strong personality and she took her mission quite seriously. She is a true Jedi. I also liked the sense of humor. Especially when Ogomoor has to report to Bossban Soergg the Hutt and he knows he has failed in his mission to kill the Jedi. I was laughing throughout this description!

Mark: Has Episode II affected your other work? And can you tell us anything else of your other (previous and upcoming) projects?

Mary: Having Episode II on my CV definitely makes a difference. I have been approached to make appearances and also had contacts from pilot projects, charities and interviews, and the list goes on.

Mark: So what are your plans for the immediate future?

Mary: I?m working on a few projects and the details will be available soon.

Mark: If fans want to see what you are up to, can they point their browsers in your direction?

Mary: Yes fans are more than welcome to point their browsers to my website www.maryoyaya.com. They are welcome to write to me too. I try to reply to all my messages.

Mark: Mary, thank you so much for your time. It?s been a privilege! Hope to see you in Episode III and best of luck to you and yours.

Interview by Mark Dermul, interview conducted 13th January 2003.
Copyright ? 2003, reprinted by permission. Special thanks to Miary Oyaya and Paul Moses Jr.

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