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Adam Driver

Star Wars' Adam Driver Talks To Vulture

Posted by Steve on November 6, 2018 at 07:07 AM CST

Kylo Ren

"I don’t think of myself as an intense person. If what I’m doing is so abnormal that it’s intense — yeah, I have no idea. I’m not a method actor…”

~Adam Driver

While the chances of getting someone involved with Star Wars – Episode IX to spill the beans on their characters, involvement or any plot details are likely zero, it doesn’t, and shouldn’t stop people from trying. Case in point, Vulture sat down with Adam Driver recently to discuss many things, Star Wars amongst them.

Driver, who of course plays troubled bad-guy Kylo Ren, was his usual coy self and offered no details on what we can expect from his character or the film. He did however break down the fourth wall a little bit when describing what it’s like on the set of a Star Wars film…

The scale and size is interesting. Usually you work with people who are like, 'Everybody save their cigarettes because we’ll need them for the rest of the movie. But Star Wars has 4,000 people working on it. It’s an entirely different process.

I like to stay focused on set but it’s not because I have a process that I’m imposing on everybody else. Sometimes you have to be more focused in between scenes because what’s happening is that, on something like Star Wars, its pure comedy in between takes. It’s Stormtroopers running into walls because they can’t see through their helmets. So I don’t know where the intense thing came from

This “comedy” has been on display if you’ve seen any of the behind the scenes footage or cast interviews in this current era. It’s no secret directors JJ Abrams and Rian Johnson kept things focused but loose, and the cast all seem to genuinely enjoy each other’s company.

That “focus” Driver is talking about has been tangible on screen as Kylo Ren is one of, if not the most, intense characters to occupy Star Wars space. And when asked about what we can expect from Ren in this final episode of the sequel trilogy, he was understandably restrained…

That’s hard to say because we’re working toward something in particular with that character. I don’t want to give anything away.

There’s been a lot of speculation about the fate of sequel characters given their age. With long-time players such as Luke Skywalker and Han Solo, it’s a little easier to write them off due to their age. But with the new younger crowd such as Rey, Poe, Finn and Driver’s Kylo Ren, that’s a little trickier.

It’s almost unthinkable at this point that Abrams will kill off any of these characters so what does that mean for Ren? A change of face? That seems almost as unlikely but what fate is deserving of a man who has killed many people, his father among them?

It’s hard to believe, but we are still over a year away so this won’t be the last time Adam is asked about what the future holds for Kylo Ren. Expect the same answer each time.


To read the full story at Vulture, click HERE.

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