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FD3: Star Wars In Concert Invades Dallas Posted By Mike on October 31, 2009
Star Wars in Concert landed in Dallas, Texas last evening and for those of us not able to attend Fan Days and hop on the ForceCast bus, we have a couple sources with coverage to help leave no fan behind. The main site has some set up pictures as well as pics (and links to more pics) from the performance itself. You can also check out a write-up at
Naturally, a number of members from the TFN/Rebelscum/ForceCast team were onhand and we'll make sure to bring you more first hand coverage from the concert, and other Fan Days fun, as the weekend continues. gives a bit of a mixed review of the concert while the TFN/Rebelscum/ForceCast team provides us some pictures via thier vatious Twitter accounts. Below are some highlights but make sure to follow one and all for the most up to date images and reports!
From Jovial Jay Shepard - @JovialJay (Clockwise from top left: A view of the new Dallas Stadium from the flight in, a closer view displaying a resemblence to the Senate building on Coruscant, turns out Cowboys owner Jerry Jones is a Star Wars fan, a view from Jay's seat, and a view of the ForceCast bus)
From the ForceCast - @forcecast (Clockwise from top left: a view inside the ForceCast bus, program cover, look who the guys were sitting near, and a view from the seats)
(Click on the images for the full view)
UPDATE #2: More pictures and another write-up at
UPDATE #3: The French site, has a write up from Dallas with a fantastic set of pictures. Click here!
Rebelscum Breast Cancer Awareness Charity Patch Posted By Philip on November 25, 2014: Thanks to everybody that ordered patches. I sent a check for $1,600.00 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation on Monday. While it's not as much as I hoped for, it's still very much appreciated. They will remain for sale in the store for anybody that still wishes to purchase them. Details after the jump.