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Top 46 (plus 4) Gadgets NOT Added to Darth Vader's Suit - Part 3 of 3
by the readers of TheForce.Net

A message from TFN
Top 46 suggestion by guest editor Cirrocco
Submissions edited by guest editor Cirrocco, who thought your entries were SO brilliant, there are three lists this week.

Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3

  1. A list of good pick-up lines
    by The Curser (in every sense of the word)

  2. Toothpick
    by Prawnee

  3. Hidden Spice compartment.
    by Dante

  4. Tie Fighter remote unlock/start button
    by Darth Fastidious

  5. Floss dispenser
    by Darth Fastidious

  6. The "Any" key.
    by Jar Jar Bites

  7. a cute little pink purse with red hearts a unicorn to hold his lip stick, hair brush and phone numbers of cute stormtroopers
    by not important

  8. Mr. Radar. And Mr. Coffee, for those who like coffee when they watch radar.
    by Vinny

  9. Techno music/ lasers/ fog machine button.
    by Spaiecheee

  10. Spam filter for holo-net messages
    by Opie-Wan

  11. Mobile phone holder/clip
    by Sifu

  12. Eject.
    by Darth Vegas

  13. one of those fake clown flowers that shoot water at you.....it really gets in the way of the Emperor's lightning
    by Robing_the_squeeker

  14. new helmet with beer can on the sides
    by Darth Nerdeuss

  15. An inspirational 'Word Of The Day' Calendar for his desktop.
    by Striker Jacen

  16. A rear-view mirror
    by Striker Jacen

  17. Atari 2600
    by rinoz

  18. Muffler
    by ACE

  19. anti TFN humor editor weapons
    by za0

  20. The Elixir of Life.
    by Wilson

  21. ummm .... a ... meat tenderizer?
    by igotsnothing

  22. The Ability to conjure up the missing data. Or clairvoyance enough to find the rebel's hidden base.
    by Trobon

  23. a 'have a nice day' button, complete with smiley face
    by Brian

  24. Death Star door opener / car starter
    by Walter Danek

  25. hot-wire kit
    by Galaleio

  26. cheese grater, malted whiskey bottle, a spoon, tomato ketchup, a tie (A la Dark Helmet)

  27. It slices! it Dices! it juliennes fries!
    by Rogue_0009

  28. the ability to get entries for top 46 lists posted
    by Rogue_0009

  29. Driver's side airbags
    by VimSregor

  30. unfoldable one-man-band set, complete with guitar, harmonica and back-mounted drum. in case the emperor ever gets bored
    by GOU

  31. The 'Nice Guy Mode' Button
    by ZeeDeveel

  32. Bluetooth technology. Notice how his teeth were all white.
    by Rin, Destroyer of Keyboards

  33. Action figure carry-case
    by Finbarr Doyle

  34. ID card lanyard for access to the Death Star executive floors
    by Darth Hammer

  35. A nice capri pant option
    by Halo10101

  36. A surge protector!
    by Jedilawstudent

  37. Fishing pole
    by Jon

  38. Something that can alter time, speed up the harvest, and teleport me off this rock.
    by Rin, Destroyer of Keyboards

  39. Official Toshi Station power converters.
    by Rin, Destroyer of Keyboards

  40. So when will the crockpot be installed?
    by Queen Cathradala

  41. Super secret teddy bear for those lonely nights out in space
    by Darth Rob

  42. "My Favorite Horsie" pink and lime waterproof timepiece that plays a jingle every hour. The producers said it wasn't "angsty" enough.
    by Shada

  43. spring-loaded boxing glove
    by Konbu Wavebreaker

  44. Soda dispenser, turn signals, and a 'don't panic' button.
    by Rurouni Jedi

  45. Spaceballs the Flame Thrower
    by Dark Helmet

  46. A small thermal exhaust port right below the main port
    by General Deadmeat

  47. and here's another four ...

  48. rhinestones
    by sifubevan

  49. Cookie dough mixer attachments for the artificial hands.
    by Keralys

  50. The feature that automatically sounds off bells, lights, and whistles whenever someone says the word of the day
    by Dark Helmet

  51. Interocitor
    by Ne Quis

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