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Top 46 Gadgets NOT Added to Darth Vader's Suit - Part 1 of 3
by the readers of TheForce.Net

A message from TFN
Top 46 suggestion by guest editor Cirrocco
Submissions edited by guest editor Cirrocco, who thought your entries were SO brilliant, there are three lists this week.

Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3

  1. A button that updates TFN humor more than once every 3 months
    by Munki

  2. Go Gadget-Vader Rocket Pack!
    by Munki

  3. Automated "pull-my-finger" caption entry response - also known as the "blow-up-inator".
    by Munki

  4. fatherly feelings dampener.
    by GOU

  5. Portable Disco Machine, for a funkier empire
    by GOU

  6. Emoticon display, to tell what mood Vader's in.
    by GOU

  7. Answering Machine: "Lord Vader is not inside at the moment, please leave a message after the beep tone"
    by GOU

  8. Ultrasound Pest Control, can be set to repel mosquitoes, moles and of course, Ewoks
    by GOU

  9. an mp3-player
    by GOU

  10. Voice modulator to make him sound like Lieutenant Kettch. (Vague EU Wraith Squadron reference)
    by Darth Becker

  11. The kitchen sink
    by Rogue 124

  12. The "flush" button
    by GrandAdmiralJello

  13. an espresso machine
    by Kupokpok

  14. Head Shiner
    by Donnie

  15. Windows XP (otherwise the life support system would have kept crashing)
    by Darth Roach

  16. Schwartz ring.
    by Gryfft

  17. Wrist calculator.
    by Gryfft

  18. Holes to jack into the Matrix.
    by Gryfft

  19. The "Instant Hot Cocoa" button
    by DraconicDak

  20. Straws & cup holders built into the helmet for a continuous supply of blue milk.
    by Jedi Knight Safira Felan

  21. a cuisinart
    by JediKaputski

  22. Web-shooters
    by Thank Heavens for New Top 46's

  23. Automatic Whiny Son Killer
    by Master_Rush

  24. Ice skates that pop out of his boots, like in Batman and Robin. Seriously, what was that about?
    by Rin, Destroyer of Keyboards

  25. Gadget from Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers.
    by Rin, Destroyer of Keyboards

  26. The Original versions of Episodes 4-6. They're lost to the ages.
    by Rin, Destroyer of Keyboards

  27. Go-go Vader copter!
    by Rin, Destroyer of Keyboards

  28. Mozilla Firefox.
    by Rin, Destroyer of Keyboards

  29. A volleyball net. But that's understandable.
    by Rin, Destroyer of Keyboards

  30. Turn signals and a backup warning and proximity detection system.
    by Lyghtwulff

  31. On-star!
    by bgii_2000

  32. the swiss army saber
    by pete

  33. A progeny detector
    by MHenry

  34. A breath freshener.
    by Ban_Raynor

  35. A dashboard Yoda.
    by Timberline_Ridge

  36. Tricorder
    by Bob Fett

  37. Slot Machine
    by Bob Fett

  38. Flux Capacitor
    by Bob Fett

  39. Go go gadget toothpaste. What, you didn't really think it was "the Force" that killed of those officers?
    by Culf

  40. a Whine Filter: Vader: "I am your Father" , Luke: "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Vader: "Sorry?"
    by GOU

  41. Back brace for lifting heavy emperors
    by JediMasterEvan

  42. Belt-mounted Pez dispenser with C3PO head.
    by Gern Blanston

  43. A button to call his parents to come pick him up.
    by Ben Maxwell

  44. A little red button for the death star's auto-destruct sequence
    by Jase Gill

  45. Wasn't room to also install the 'chipmunks' setting on the voice changer
    by Crazybirdman

  46. Can-opener for that lazy Imperial drink on the platoon bay.
    by MovieManOO7

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