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Top 46 Gadgets NOT Added to Darth Vader's Suit - Part 2 of 3
by the readers of TheForce.Net

A message from TFN
Top 46 suggestion by guest editor Cirrocco
Submissions edited by guest editor Cirrocco, who thought your entries were SO brilliant, there are three lists this week.

Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3

  1. THX Surround Sound
    by Bob Fett

  2. Acme Rocket Boots
    by Wookie-Ewok 212

    by Jazz Jedi

  4. A towel.
    by Rin, Destroyer of Keyboards

  5. Windshield Wipers
    by Stephon

  6. Child-proof seal "Luke, help me take this mask off" "Sure, let me just...uh...damn...this is not easy..."
    by obijohngordon

  7. A holding-bay for his other, younger, smaller son, that he built out of spare prosthetics, (more love, less whine)
    by GOU

  8. a speech synthesizer with a few alternative voices; Stephen Hawking, Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, the sky is the limit!
    by GOU

  9. The Black and Decker Automatic Hand Repair Unit
    by Kessel 12

  10. Coin Activated Self Destruct System
    by rust

  11. A happy face mask, defeats the purpose the suit.
    by mljedi

  12. Popcorn machine (funnier if you've seen specific Star Wars spoofs)
    by Jelp

  13. Shiatsu Massage attachments
    by Brian

  14. the amazing Rap-O-Matic(tm). now you too can rap like any 2 bit foo' with a mike!
    by Brian

  15. **Anything** Borg like. ;-D
    by Brian

  16. headlights!
    by Brian

  17. E-Z bake oven
    by Brian

  18. Chia Pet emplacements
    by Brian

  19. pogo stick boots
    by Brian

  20. floatation devices.
    by Brian

  21. Anything that is activated by that big, red button on his chest.
    by Bird_of_Prey

  22. Built-in TV monitor and VCR so he can watch Star Wars during lunchbreak. Oh, wait....
    by Tom Blonde-adill

  23. A rubber chicken with a pulley in the middle of it.
    by Bird_of_Prey

  24. An Eloro-maga-grogoron?! And no, I don't know what that is ether.
    by Bird_of_Prey

  25. A button that triggers the transmitter inside Vader's body. (hey, nobody ever said he actually took that thing *out.*) >:)
    by The Curser (in every sense of the word)

  26. a sense of humor
    by tractor

  27. A tenloss disrupter rifle. Those things r cool (btw, does anyone BESIDES me play that game?)
    by The Curser (in every sense of the word)

  28. Bat-O-Rang
    by Kashyap2

  29. Flubber Boots
    by Kashyap2

  30. Musical Jewellery Box
    by Kashyap2

  31. Ghost Buster Gun for fighting Spirits of Obi-Wan, Yoda, and Christmas Future.
    by Kashyap2

  32. Kazoo
    by Kashyap2

  33. Rack and pinion steering
    by Darth Jar Jar

  34. Electric Pencil Sharpener
    by Darth Beavis

  35. Solitaire game
    by disruptor

  36. smoke detector
    by Disruptor

  37. waffle iron
    by Disruptor

  38. "Pull My Finger" joke removal unit
    by Nemesis

  39. A chainsaw for a hand.
    by Rin, Destroyer of Keyboards

  40. The Clapper
    by Peter

  41. NASCAR sponsor stickers
    by Voices

  42. Lava Lamp
    by 2old2bJedi

  43. A big plastic Mallet
    by Nya

  44. The big red button that goes 'Darth Vader to the rescue!' if you press it
    by Young woo

  45. hairdryer, is it 46 yet?
    by White Bat

  46. Air conditioning
    by Francis Mayne

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