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Star Wars In Concert Coverage Links

Posted By Mike on December 1, 2009

Star Wars in Concert continues to traverse the galaxy entertaining thousands upon thousands of Star Wars fans. Below you can check out a few coverage links from the past week...

Chicago Tribune - "Star Wars: In Concert: a coda with Yoda"

The Lantern - "Star Wars concert reimagines classic soundtrack

California Chronicle (via The Columbus Dispatch) - "Return music: Iconic 'Star Wars' soundtrack becomes centerpiece of extravaganza"

Freep.com - "Star Wars: In Concert brings the films' stirring music to life"

Post-Gazette.com - "C-3PO is one of many roles Anthony Daniels has played in Pittsburgh" (more of an article on Anthony Daniels than SW in Concert)

Of course, StarWars.com is still your best location for catching up with Star Wars in Concert. Click here for a behind the scenes video and here for an archive of Star Wars in Concert features.

UPDATE: How about some more coverage links...

PittsburghLive.com - Review: Lasers, pyrotechnics boost Star Wars in Concert"

PittsburghLive.com - "Concert shows off 'overwhelming' music of 'Star Wars' films"

Toledo Free Press - "Star Wars tour energizes C-3PO actor" (Thanks Tim!)

TheCubeNews.com - "Star Wars: In Concert a Feast for the Ears, Eyes" (Thanks Patrick!)

SciFiBlock.com - "A Review of Star Wars: In Concert" (Thanks Robert!)

Starwars.com has added snapshots from the Toronto performance.

UPDATE #2: Just a couple more today...

MorningJournal.com - "Soaring Sounds: 'Star Wars: In Concert' takes sci-fi mania to new symphonic heights at The Q"

Starwars.com provides a profile of Star Wars in Concert 3rd chair, 1st violinist, Kirra Thomas.

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