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Star Wars Concert In Spain Posted By Mike on November 15, 2007
The "Sala Iturbi del Palau de la Musica de Valencia" (in Spain) will be hosting a Star Wars Concert on November 10th featuring Gerald Home (Tessek and a Mon Cal officer in Return of the Jedi) as well as members of the Rebel Legion and 501st. Click here for details at (in Spanish)
Thanks to Gerald for the heads up.
UPDATE: See below for the press release in Spanish and English: Press release in SPANISH
La asociaci?n de internacional Rebel Legion (RLSB - Espa?a y Portugal)( ) dirigida en su base espa?ola por Maite Sanchez - CO y cordinada por Carlos Chard? - XO, con motivo del 30 aniversario de la proyecci?n de Star Wars en Espa?a (4 de nov de 1977) Organizan y coordinan un concierto solidario a cargo de la banda Uni?n Musical de Catarroja (Valencia), bajo la batuta de su director Filibert Mira, en la sala Iturbi del Palau de la M?sica de Valencia, cuyos beneficios se destinar?n a obras sociales de Caritas Diocesana de Valencia.
Ser? el pr?ximo 10 de noviembre a las 19:30h., la entrada, a precio ?nico, es de 12?, ya a la venta en el Palau de la M?sica y por Servicaja. Las entradas no son numeradas, por lo que la apertura de puertas ser? a las 19:00h.
En el mismo se interpreter?n 12 temas para banda de Star Wars, haciendo un recorrido por los temas m?s conocidos de la saga, todo ello acopa?ado de la presencia de los personajes de la misma Darth Vader, tropas imperiales, pilotos rebeldes, Luke Skywalker, Princesa Leia, Han Solo, Boba Fett, Anakin Skywalker, Mara Jade, Princesa Amidala y muchos m?s (35 trajes aprox.)... que har?n vibrar al p?blico al extraer el mundo de Star Wars de la pantalla y acercarlo a los presentes. Gracias a la especial colaboraci?n de la asociacion internacional Legion 501st Spanish Garrison.
Incluir? la narraci?n de la historia de la Guerra de las Galaxias, con la vida de Anakin como hilo conductor, a cargo del actor Gerald Home, por primera vez narrado EN ESPA?OL, quien interpreta a Tessek y al Comandante Mon Calamari en el Retorno del Jedi - en la Trilog?a Original.
Un evento ?nico, que nos transportar? a una galaxia muy, muy lejana. Que la fuerza os acompa?e !!!
The Rebel Legion Spanish Base (Rebel Legion from Spain & Portugal) ( directed by Maite Sanchez - CO and coordinated by Carlos Chard? - XO, on the occasion of 30 anniversary of Star War's projection in Spain (4 of nov of 1977) We Organize and coordinate a Solidary Concert at the expense of the band Catarroja's Musical Union (Valencia), under the baton of his titular director Filibert Mira, in the room Iturbi del Palace of the Music in Valencia, which benefits will be destined to benefit societies of Diocesan Sweet little faces of Valencia .That is to infance support.
It will be next November 10 19:30h., the tickets to the only price, is of 12 ?, already to sale in the Palau of the Music and Servicaja. Tickets are not numbered, for this reason the opening door will be at 19:00h.
In the Concert will be played 12 Star Wars themes for band making a tour for the most known themes about the saga, all this with of the presence of the prominent figures of the movies as Darth Vader, Chewbacca, imperial troops, rebel pilots, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo, Boba Fett, Anakin Skywalker, Mara Jade, Princess Amidala and more (35 costumes aprox.) ... that they will make vibrate the public on having extracted Star Wars's world of the screen and bring it over to the audience. Thanks to the special collaboration of the international association Legion 501st Spanish Garrison.
It will include the story of Star War's history with Anakin's life as conductive thread, at the expense of the actor Gerald Home, for the first time as introducer IN SPANISH, who interprets to Tessek and to the commander Mon Calamari in the Return of the Jedi - Original Trilogy,
It will be an event which will transport us to a galaxy far far away. The force be with you!!!
For all the complete information about this event please consult clicking in the picture about it at
Thanks to Carlos of the Rebel Legion Spanish Base for the press releases!
UPDATE #2: Our friend, Gerald Home, was nice enough to send us a link to a video from the concert. Click here to check it out.