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Lucas Is A Star Wars In Concert Fan Posted By Mike on October 10, 2009
Those on the fence as to whether or not to check out Star Wars in concert when it comes to a city near you should know that the concert has The Maker's approval. Click here for an interview with George Lucas at CNN for his thoughts on the tour. Excerpt below:
"George Lucas: I've seen some presentations of, you know, live orchestras with "Star Wars" clips, and that sort of thing. But this is so much more than that -- it's so much more emotional, because what they've done is taken the emotional content of the score ... one is obviously the Imperial March, one is obviously romantic ... and then they've cut all the pictures around that from all the movies, so that you get this really wide range of visuals going with the music, and it really is quite powerful when you see the depictions of all of the various Imperial shenanigans that were going on over the Imperial March."
Next check out the following video via from the opening in Anaheim, CA: