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C-3PO & R2 In New UK Advertisements

Posted By Mike on October 20, 2010

Dixons Retail Group, from across the pond, sends word that our two favorite droids will be featured prominently in their new ad campaing...

The Greatest Advertising Campaign in the Galaxy?

- Currys link-up with Lucasfilm to Bring Loveable Duo Back to Our Screens, and Into Space ?

Wednesday, 20th October ? Dixons Retail, owner of Currys and PC World, has today announced what could be ?the greatest advertising campaign in the galaxy? ? an impressive new campaign featuring Star Wars? heroes C-3P0 and R2-D2 as they land on earth to explore one of the company?s Megastores.

The internet was buzzing with rumours about a new Star Wars collaboration earlier this week, after a film was leaked that appeared to show an escape pod remarkably similar to the one seen in Star Wars IV; A New Hope in a carpark on an industrial state in Greater London. C-3PO and R2-D2 are pleased to confirm that this was, in fact, the method of transportation they used to arrive on-set to film the new ad for Currys and PC World, which they admit could have been parked better so as not to arouse so much attention!

The epic new advertising campaign will see Anthony Daniels reprise his role as the nation?s favourite droid - C-3PO - alongside his loveable but mischievous companion, R2-D2. The premier will see a 60-second ?directors cut? of the ad aired on ITV1 on Saturday 23rd October during X Factor. The TV campaign will be supported by outdoor adverts, which, as is appropriate for two such high-profile characters, was shot by famed photographer David Bailey.

The advert sees C-3PO and R2-D2 land on planet earth in a Megastore carpark late at night, with R2-D2 boldly breaking into the store, closely followed by C-3PO. The droids proceed to explore the store, interacting with the store?s inventory in the iconic and inimitable style that their fans have come to know and love. With references to many Star Wars favourites - including of course, Darth Vader and Jabba the Hutt - the advert is set to delight young and old Star Wars fans alike.

Niall O?Keefe, UK Marketing Director for Dixons Retail comments, ?Our Megastores offer the largest selection of electricals in the UK, and we wanted to create a partnership that would truly represent the size and scale of the shopping experience a Megastore delivers. Who better than C-3PO and R2-D2, arguably two of the most well-known characters in film history, to showcase exactly how vast our Megastores really are! Working with Anthony Daniels was an incredible experience, and we hope that we have really captured the essence of C-3PO and R2-D2 to create a campaign that will appeal to the legions of fans who have supported Star Wars over the years.

?To celebrate this amazing campaign, we are also going to be sending the advert out into the galaxy. Having seen how excited R2-D2 and C-3PO were on discovering the store, we?ve decided that we should also send the ad out into deep space, courtesy of US firm Deep Space Communications Network. The network will send the ad into open deep space via state of the art satellite broadcasting equipment with redundant high-powered klystron amplifiers connected by a travelling wave-guide to a five-meter parabolic dish antenna.?

Lucasfilm, STAR WARS? and related properties are trademarks and/or copyrights, in the United States and other countries, of Lucasfilm Ltd. and/or its affiliates. TM & ? Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. All other trademarks and trade names are properties of their respective owners.

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