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What would you give George Lucas for Christmas?


Patience to endure the endless flow of useless commentary from the parasitic mobs of idiotic blinkards (by Bob Loggington)

A shirt that isn't flannel. (by Phillip I.)

I would give him some money and gift certs to release the original trilogy on dvd now instead of 2006. (by CHRIS NAES)

A CCD Camera & a telrad for the Telescope a fan already made him, and a free pass to visit my planetarium anytime he wanted (by Isbeth)

I've already given him all of my money. Now he wants a gift?! (by smallpaul)

A shave and a haircut. I hate that bear (by aiasadan)

The hindsight to make a NON-SE edition Original Trilogy DVD. (by Zeth Duuron)

Give him? He should buy us all presents for just being here. (by X-Skinhead)

A simple thank you for making such great movies despite all the put-downs from so called "fans"! (by Piper)

A brainwash so he can make episodes 7,8 and 9 (by Alberto)


I would give him a "non-flanel" shirt and tell him it is from another planet. (by Criz Bee)

A rancor (by Attila)

A coat for his Llama (by BOBA FENT )

A lifetime membership at Flannels R' Us (by Darryl G)

Star Wars! the musical (by w00t!)

I would give George Lucas for Christmas, the ability to make us dream forever. (by Pablo Mart?nez)

A copy of Empire Strikes back with a note attached that says : Dear George, Merry Christmas! I don't think you've ever seen this movie so here ya go, enjoy! (by Boba Fat)

He has everything. What could he want from me. Maybe he can give me queen portman (by jesse hawkins)

An extra 50 IQ points. But not to him, to all the numbskulls too dumb to understand midichlorians and then whine about it. The FORCE is absolute. (by Midichlorian)

A big hug! (by WonkoTheSane)


A Rubber Hat to protect him from his fans. (by Doctor Wolf)

a hug (by schmidtace50)

I'd give him a Shogunite Sword. Since Star Wars derives primarely from Japanese Culture. (by Shogun2002)

A big hug for creating Star Wars, a wonderful playground for us (fanfic writers) to play in! (by Obi's Girl)

A camel (by Alex)

A speaking little Jar Jar doll that says: "How wude!" (by Lord Den)

Like every one else, a flannel shirt (by turtle)

Ideas for DVD special editions (by Jason Lee)

50 more years on Earth so he can make Episodes 7 through 9 (by MaseWindu21)

A Yoda mug to match his Chewbacca one. (by ~Becky K.~)


A personalized Ewok costume just for him (by Caramba (not!))

A webcam for his ILM office that has the other cable end connected to my computer, A thank you card for making films that kept me out of trouble and pushed me to go to college, and a business card asking him to allow me to wash inside windows, vacuum, or empty interior trash cans at ILM, Skywalker Ranch, or Skywalker sound (by Sith_Hunter)

I would GIVE anything...DO anything. He is the master. He deserves it all. He's the reason I am who I am. Thus sayeth me. (by Drapheus)

A vacation! (by Bobskid)

A thank you for creating movies that inspire people to make a relegion after your ideas (by darkjedi777)

A toque to go with his lumberman's jacket (by Travis)

A piece of paper with 'The Clone Assault' written on it. Taped to a thesaurus. (by Zafra Fyn)

Chicken (by Dave)

A camera handle with buttons (by Jar Jar sucks)

A taser so he can get away from his fans! (by Luke, I am your MOTHER!)


ANOTHER flannel shirt (by RogueJedi86)


I'd give him a.....a copy of the original Star Wars signed by George Lucas (everybody who's into Star Wars wants that)! (by RogueJedi86)

How about a transport ship to a galaxy far far away! (by waternymph)

A gag gift from like spencers (by Kerrin)

A million dollars (by Dave Rowe )

Palm Pilot (by Jimmy Joe)

Nothing (by Ryan)

A nice beard comb (by nick r)

My eternal respect and gratitude for creating a universe that has become an important part of my life (by X-Warlock)

Responses: 1-50, 51-100, 101-150, 151-200, 201-250, 251-255 
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