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What would you give George Lucas for Christmas?


An audition tape! (better for me than him...) (by Jaina02)

I would give him Harrison Ford and Steven Speilberg for a day, so they could figure out what the heck's going on with Indiana Jones! Plus Jar Jar, and a gift certificate to Nordstrom's. He needs something other than flannel. Love ya George, thanks for the stories. (by megHan)

A big thanks, for giving my imagination a lot more of a workout than it would have had otherwise. (by Rich)

A wife, not mine! (by reek)

I'd give him a letter saying, "Dear George, I've given you enough of my money, how about giving me some of that back by releasing those Star Wars DVDs or at least get me a part as an extra. I think I desserve it after 22 years of being a devoted fan and $10k later buying your stuff. How about it?" (by Ryan, WA)

A lightsaber (by Alex Parmar)

I'd tell him I'm sorry that most of his fans are ungrateful. (by Ed)

"101 Movie Titles That Work" and "My Movie Title Can Beat Up Your Movie Title"! Nah, how about a biiiiiiiig hug for Star Wars! Thanks George!!!! (by Jordi Sharpe)

The will to make episods 7-9 (by Jeff Landwalker)

High Definition Masters of the Original Trilogy, So that he could get to work on the DVD's right away! (by MFlanagan)


A pole to beat the ungrateful "fans" who do not appreciate the amount of effort that went in to TPM and think it "sucked" (by The Don)

10 extra years to work on episodes 7-9 (and maybe another holiday special-haha!!) (by hairlesswookie)

I would give him a big hand shake for creating the best movies in the movie. My life wouldn't be the same without Star Wars and I appreciate his work. (by Jedi Daniel)

Um, nothing- he's Jewish. (by heysoos)

This is where some idiot that works at McDonald's says "I'd give George a real script for Ep2. But if you were so talented a writer why are you serving happy meals pal?" (by Nathanielstarr)

Six months with no insults from SW fans. (by FernWithy)

A day of anonymity (by Kyle Burt)

I cannot give something to this man that would match what he has given me. Thanks George. May the non-believers be forced to watch Star Trek. (by OrionPax)

I don't know what I'd get George but I'd get those fans that continue to complain about Star Wars yet still visit sites dedicated to it a life, because they need it. (by Nebulous)

My script for the Howard The Duck sequel. (by BOB A FETT)


The entire set of Star Trek movies (by Mark H.)

A big fat kiss (by bgelfand)

George ! I am your Hong Kong Star Wars fans ! I wish you very merry christmas ! And, You can produce best SW Episode III in future!!! (by JEDILORD - William)

A menorah (cuz he's jewish) with star wars characters carved along the base. (by jedi Leia)

The script for Episode III (by Corwin Naberrie)

I would give George recognition for all the contributions he has made to the film industry. Star Wars is such a small part of what he was accomplished. I would also give him health and happiness. (by galagher)

Years of prosperity and health so he can develop also Episodes 7, 8 & 9 (by Carlos Aguayo)

A Neck-Master, from the makers of Thigh-Master. (by Darth Siskel)

A star trek action figure (by gee-queung)

The ENTIRE Star Wars Series Boxed Set of Star Wars 1 - 9 on DVD!!!!! (by Ds6161)


The ability to handle all of these cocky fans who feel that Star Wars is theirs as opposed to yours. Tell it how you want to George, it's your saga. May the force be with you. (by pachysaur2000)

A copy of The Holiday Special (by Curt Janzen)

Anything that would get me a part in Episode III (by JediJeff)

A pat on the back and a "thank you". (by Xin-Te)

A thank you for all the years of hard work. (by Var Zol)

A little droid which wraps presents (by lonestar)

A few days off (by Joe From The U.K)

All my gratefulness for creating such a wonderful story. ;) (by Nathalie)

De-fluffer for his shirts (by Lee [Boba Fent]Fenton-Wilkinson)

Playstation (by sigurgg)


For Christmas I would give him a set of the original Star Wars Trilogy. I would give him this in the hope that he would watch it and keep the remaining two prequels true to that story and that tone. (by Garvo Fett)

A special Oscar for Best Darned Filmmaker of the Century, and a giant roll of duct tape to seal the mouths of all of those critics who are so jealous of his incredible imagination. (Howard The Duck rules!) (by Brett Haines)

My undying love for his creations. (by Cerasi)

Huge thank you for creating the SW universe. And tell him to ignore petty fan-boys who think they can tell him how he should write "his" characters and "his" stories. (by Debbie)

An Apple Powerbook for his writing. (by Spwarf)

An Oscar for best director, and one for best screen play for Episodes 2 AND 3 (by Bill Colt)

Some more kind fans, luck and good ideas (by Ella)

Just say thanks for revolutionising the cinema of today! (by JVS)

A break (by Sam)

A cryogenic freezing tube so we could freeze him and let him make Episodes 7-9. (by GeneralSolo15)

Responses: 1-50, 51-100, 101-150, 151-200, 201-250, 251-255 
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