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Celebrate Star Wars Day In Toronto

Posted By Mike on April 26, 2012

TFN reader John W. was nice enough to pass along information on the following Star Wars Day festivities in Toronto...

"Star Wars Day Toronto is having its second annual event on May the 4th (be with you) at the Toronto Underground Cinema! Star Wars Day Toronto is a fan destination, showcasing the creativity and passion of the Star Wars fan community in a positive, family-friendly atmosphere.

This year's event will feature the following attractions:

- CHAD VADER creators Blame Society Films in-person - screening, Q & A, and autograph session
- Original Trilogy Trivia Game Show
- Costume Contest with celebrity guest judges. New for 2012: Jedi League for adults and Padawan League for ages 12 and under
- The comedy stylings of Gavin Stephens
- Photos with the Stormtroopers & characters of the 501st Legion

This event is in support of SickKids Foundation.

Advance tickets are on sale now and can be purchased here: http://atendy.com/event/901611

The main site for the event is http://starwarsdayto.com/"

Thanks John!

UPDATE: And now we have a comedy event to add to the Star Wars Day festivities in Toronto...

May the Fourth Be With You Live at Tequila Bookworm
Friday, May 4, 2012
11:00PM (Doors open at 10:30PM)

Featuring Comedians: Freddie Rivas, Ben Redman, Craig Fay, Mark Little
Musical Guest: Sean Ward

512 Queen St W
Toronto, ON M5V 2B3

Thanks Calwyn!

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