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Rumor: Episode VIII/IX Writers?

Posted By Jay on November 20, 2012

According to film website Deadline.com, Disney has approached Lawrence Kasdan and Simon Kinberg to write subsequent sequels to Star Wars.

If true, this is fantastic news, as Kasdan wrote both The Empire Strikes Back as well as Return of the Jedi (and lest we not forget Raiders of the Lost Ark), and is sure to be a fan-favorite for returning to the Galaxy Far, Far Away! Kinberg is known for his work on X-Men: First Class and its upcoming sequel (X-Men: Days of Future Past), plus the the 2009 Sherlock Holmes film and Jumper.

More news as it develops!

UPDATE: The Hollywood Reporter has sources saying that Kasdan and Kinberg "have closed deals to write installments of the new Star Wars trilogy." THR goes on: "The pair will write either Episode VIII or Episode IX -- their exact division of responsibilities is yet to be determined -- and also will come aboard to produce the films." This still isn't confirmed, but as Slashfilm notes, "when two Hollywood trades report on it, that?s pretty close."

Slashfilm adds:

"[H]iring Lawrence Kasdan and Simon Kinberg to write Star Wars Episodes VIII and XI before any directors are attached at all speaks volumes to how this trilogy is being handled. It seems to suggest that story is king and that?s a good thing."

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[Episode VII - News Archives]
It's Official: Star Wars Episode VII Rolls Cameras May 2014
Posted By Philip on March 18, 2014:
StarWars.com has posted the news that the cameras will roll on Episode VII in May 2014. The release also goes on to say, "It has also been confirmed that Star Wars: Episode VII is set about 30 years after the events of Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, and will star a trio of new young leads along with some very familiar faces. No further details on casting or plot are available at this time." More after the jump.

BBC Interviews J.J. Abrams About Trek And Wars
Posted By Eric on May 3, 2013:
Episode VII gig "once in a lifetime opportunity"

J.J. Abrams: Expect Williams To Score Episode VII
Posted By Eric on April 30, 2013:
Veteran SW composer will probably return

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