Bonus DVD With Lightsaber Posted By Dustin on February 10, 2005
Guillermo Estrada writes in:
Last night while doing a round at Wal-Mart I came across 2 boxes of Electronic Lightsabers that had on them a stickers that read "ON SHELF NO EARLIER THAN April 2, 2005", so, of course I opened them, only to find that it contained 4 Lightsabers, 1 Obi-wan, 1 Anakin and 2 Darth Vader, they are all in the same OTC black package with a sticker on the front that reads " BONUS LIGHTSABER ACTION DVD!!" I bought one to see what was it and when I played it this is what it contains:
Chapter 1 and 8 of the first season of the animated clone wars.
A mini documentary " the legend of the Lightsaber" which includes some spoilers for Episode III, (highlight to read) it shows some storyboards and the actual weapons of Grievous Bodyguards which they explain are the only weapons that CAN NOT be destroyed by a Lightsaber!
Star Wars Trilogy DVD TV ad.
2 TV ads for the Star Wars Original Trilogy collection figures and Lightsabers.
Clearly is something that will come out on April along with the new stuff, the package of the DVD is a black sleeve with the silver star wars logo and has a 2005 date. I hope some more stuff comes out soon, I will keep you posted on any new finds!