Matt Stover at Star Wars Weekends Posted By Britany on May 25, 2005
Derek writes in a report from meeting Matt Stover over at Star Wars Weekends:
Contains spoilers if you haven't seen the film
After seeing the incredible movie, I quickly started reading the novelization by Matt Stover (I had avoided all trailers, books, toys, and reviews - the best thing I've ever done - I was blown away by the movie and surprised at every turn), and I was intrigued by the author's insight into what was going on in Dooku's head (quick spoiler synopsis - it was he and Palpatine's plan to have the Count captured by Anakin, end the war, and the three of them could lead the new empire as Sith Lords with a Sith army of newly converted Jedi). After seeing the movie I was wondering what was in the Counts head and the book nicely explained it.
However, I wondered if this was the Author's interpretation or did it come from the script or Lucas himself.
Low and behold, on the same day I read this part of the book while on vacation in Disney, I went to MGM's Star Wars Weekend that afternoon, and they had Matt Stover signing his book in one of their stores! I went in and there happened to be no one in line. I asked if I could ask him a question and he said 'sure.'
I related the above and after joking at first that he made it all up, he very graciously explained that when reading the script he also wondered what was in Dooku's mind so he asked George Lucas himself who then told him the story that Matt put into the book. He also told me that Dooku, unlike most Sith, was always loyal to Sidious and had no plans to betray him, thus being totally taken by surprise by Palpatine's treachery (this puts more into Dooku's look of shock in the movie).
I thanked Mr. Stover and told him I felt sorry that he didn't get to see the movie the way I saw it, since he already knew everything. After expressing surprise and giving me a big thumbs up for avoiding any spoilers, he said not to feel sorry for him, it was great what he got to do. I agreed because his name is now associated with the movie.
It was a great opportunity that I came upon and even better to realize that I am now only 2 degrees removed from George Lucas!