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LiningUp.Net Press Release

Posted By Jeff on April 13, 2005

HOLLYWOOD, CA ? The Star Wars fans of LiningUp.Net have been waiting for a week at a theater that doesn?t even have the next Star Wars film booked right now?but they?re not worried one bit.

Just as Luke Skywalker remained hopeful that there was still good in the heart of his father Darth Vader, so also do fans remain hopeful that Grauman?s Chinese Theater will book Star Wars: Episode III ? Revenge of the Sith, scheduled for release on May 19. After all, Grauman?s is where many of film history?s great premieres have taken place, including the original Star Wars in 1977, and that legacy would only continue with the release of Episode III at the theater. It?s this world-renowned Hollywood
landmark that has served as home to the previous prequel lines, and the area has always embraced the group?s efforts wholeheartedly, offering support and encouragement as they continue their seven-week wait for the film.

Confident that the Chinese will book the final Star Wars film, LiningUp.Net pushes forward with its line and celebrates the end of an incredibly successful first week. Line membership has already exceeded 100, and charity donations for the line?s fundraising drive supporting the Starlight-Starbright Children?s Foundation top $8,000. This puts LiningUp.Net well on their way toward their $50,000 goal for the charity, which helps to brighten the lives and dreams of seriously ill children and their families through their various activities, including Starlight Sites, Fun Centers, PC Pals, Hospital Happenings and Starbright World.

Using a sign-in and sign-out system, members of LiningUp.Net?s line at the Chinese can accrue hours at their convenience and then leave the line to keep up with jobs, school and other life priorities. Reflecting the wide-ranging impact of the Star Wars phenomenon, line members include business professionals, students, and homemakers, with some members traveling from as far away as Europe, Taiwan, and Australia.

It is not too late to join LiningUp.Net in line at Grauman's Chinese Theatre, or to support their fundraising efforts. LiningUp.Net accepts online donations through a special web address, www.liningup.net/donation, and fans can check out www.liningup.net/getinline for more information on joining all the fun and fundraising on Hollywood Boulevard!

[Episode III - News Archives]
Prioritizing Episode VII, LFL Postpones 3D Re-Releases
Posted By Eric on January 28, 2013:
Not an outright cancellation

Animatic Revenge Of The Sith Deleted Scene
Posted By Mike on November 22, 2007:
Now up at Starwars.com

Personalized Autographs From Samuel L Jackson
Posted By JG on October 24, 2006:
Rare and authentic! Mace Windu...

Cinemax Posts More Videos
Posted By JG on October 23, 2006:
Promoting the HDTV screenings ...

Cinemax Promo #2
Posted By Dustin on October 9, 2006:
New ad for the HD campaign showcases close up shots of Vader's helmet and mask...

Star Wars In High Definition On Cinemax
Posted By Dustin on October 7, 2006:
Updated! All six films!

Star Wars Peer-to-Peer Pleads Guilty
Posted By JG on September 12, 2006:
ROTS downloaded before it hit theaters ...

Photo Archives: Titanium Series Episode III Millennium Falcon
Posted By Dustin on August 1, 2006:
Don't blink or you'll miss it!

Darth Vader's Sith Starfighter In Hi-Rez
Posted By Dustin on July 25, 2006:
Check out this Sith hot ride...

Free Poster From Official Pix
Posted By Dustin on June 15, 2006:
16x20 mosaic piece free at conventions this summer...

Revenge Of The Sith On HBO HD
Posted By Dustin on June 5, 2006:
The only way to view the film is in High Definition...

Hayden Wins MTV Movie Award
Posted By Dustin on June 4, 2006:
Hayden takes home "Best Villain"...

You talking to me!? Star Wars Fan Video Clips with a New York Attitude!
Posted By Spell on June 2, 2006:
Video still coming in from last years line up....

Attakus Grievous Now
Posted By Dustin on May 24, 2006:
What has to be the best effort yet from Attakus, General Grievous, is now available...

Revenge Of The Sith One Year Anniversary
Posted By Dustin on May 19, 2006:
The circle was completed, one year ago...

New Master Replicas FX Saber!
Posted By Dustin on May 13, 2006:
Obi-Wan Kenobi's weapon from Revenge of the Sith...

Rick McCallum On The Future Of Star Wars
Posted By Dustin on May 3, 2006:
Rick talks animation, Celebration 4, the Star Wars Saga in 3D plus more...

2006 MTV Movie Awards
Posted By Dustin on April 29, 2006:
Time to cast your vote for Best Hero, Best Villain, and Best Fight...

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