George Accepts Peoples Choice Posted By Dustin on January 10, 2006
The 32nd People's Choice awards are being held tonight ( January 10th ) and Revenge of the Sith has won both Favorite Movie: Drama, and Favorite Movie. George Lucas was on hand for the ceremony to accept the awards.
Bill Engelhardt from Orlando writes in with this:
Revenge of the Sith just won two People's Choice Awards: Favorite Movie and Favorite Movie Drama. Harrison Ford was the presenter for Favorite Movie, for which the nominees were Episode III, Hitch, and Batman Begins. When he announced Sith as the winner, he said, "The Force is strong in this one." George Lucas was in attendance to accept the award, and it was obvious that he was moved to receive it. Here was his speech:
"Thank you. Thank you all. This is a very, very important award for me. Star Wars, oddly enough, doesn't really get that many awards. I'm not a big favorite with the critics, but who listens to them? I'm not a big industry favorite either, but of course they are a bunch of studio executives. The most important people for any filmmaker, the reason that I make films, is for you! The audience rules! Thank you. Thank you very much!"