Bail Organa's Aide Talks Episode III Posted By Britany on May 24, 2005
Caroline de Souza Correa, the model and actress that plays Sheltay Retrac, Bail Organa's aide in Revenge of the Sith, was interviewed before Episode III was released by Brazilian Star Wars fansite JediMania. A Portuguese version of the interview with pictures is available at the link above.
An English version follows below (courtesy of Nadra):
What has changed in your life since our last interview, when you had just finished playing your character in Episode III?
I have received more invitations for modeling, I moved from Australia to USA in the beginning of this year e my interest for movies and acting have been growing since then.
How did you feel by moving from Australia to Hollywood?
I think it was a completely different experience. It was a decision that I was delaying for a long time and but I finally made up my mind due my will of starting a new career as an actress.
Do you still see yourself as "unknown" even after having taken a part in Episode III? Do you think signing for better contracts became easier?
Yes, I still consider myself unknown. I am just a beginner.
Just one week and Episode III will come out. Is your anxiety growing stronger or you don't care about it?
It's growing stronger. I am too nervous.
What did you feel by watching Episode III production and looking at all that movie paraphernalia?
I was overcome with strong emotion for having had a chance to see how things work in a shooting set.
Do you think there is any possibility of working as actress in Brazil?
I was invited for a screening-test for a TV show in Brazil, but unfortunately I couldn't do it because of my job. I am waiting for new opportunities and preparing myself for this...
Did you see the theatrical trailer of Revenge of the Sith?
Yes, I loved it and can't wait to see the movie.
Do you feel some affection for any character of the saga?
Yes, Anakin Skywalker.
We have already known that Lucasfilm staff is working on pre-production of a Star Wars TV show. Would you like to take part in it?
Of course I would. Working with those people is the best school an actor can have. I am studying drama and will be ready when a new chance for acting comes out again.
What is your screen time in Episode III? Will we see you for more than two seconds in the movie?
The shooting spent 4 days. My character will make a little appearance of course. I really can't assure you even the two seconds!
Now last questions for ending this interview: can you describe the scene you took part in ROTS? What happened in it? Who was at your side?
I can't tell you in details, but I can say there is a tense scene involving Senator Bail Organa and some of his officers. My character is Bail Organa's aide and bodyguard. So I worked with Jimmy Smits most of the time.