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Who Doesn't Hate Jar Jar anymore?

Fans who grew up with the OT-Do any of you actually prefer the PT?

Should darth maul have died?

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The misconceptions you had about Star Wars, when you were a kid

Jim Ward - VP of Marketing (Lucasfilm)
Jim was the EmCee of the question and answer times, and the host for Day Two's activities. He was formerly employed by Microsoft and has been with Lucasfilm since 1997 at the beginning of Episode I's promotion.

George Lucas
A man who needs no introduction. Click here to read his Q&A session.

Rick McCallum - TPM Producer
Producer of Episode I, who also worked on Young Indiana Jones. Click here to read his Q&A session.

Van Ling - DVD Producer
Van Ling is the Producer of the Episode I DVD, whose former work includes Independence Day, Terminator 2 and The Abyss. He is renowned in DVD expertiese and was hand-picked by Lucasfilm for this project. Click here to read his Q&A session.

Pablo Helman - DVD VFX Supervisor
Pablo is from Industrial Light & Magic and Pablo was the Visual Effects Supervisor on all of the newly created scenes that appear on the DVD. Click here to read his Q&A session.

Rick Dean - DVD Engineer
Rick Dean is the Supervising Engineer on the entire THX certification process. He was responsible for much of the technical work on the DVD, especially the amazing sound work as thy redid each scene for the DVD's 5.1 EX. The fantastic THX Optimizer is also included on the disc. Click here to read his Q&A session.

Jon Shenk - DVD Documentary Director
Jon Shenk is the Director of Photograhy and Director of the documentary film on the DVD called The Beginning. Click here to read his Q&A session.

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