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Star Wars Disney Weekends Round Up

Posted By Dustin on May 22, 2010

We've gotten a ton of email from fans who have been attending the Disney Star Wars Weekends in Florida that recently kicked off. Here's a little round up of what information is out there. Should you be going to one of the weekends coming up this will give you an idea of what to expect.

First report comes from our good friends Gretchen & Caribou.

"We were able to attend some of the festivities of Day One of Star Wars Weekends at Disney's Hollywood Studios. Every year opening day is a blast. From enjoying the Star Wars Celebrity Motorcade, seeing some of the stars from every aspect or part of the saga, standing in long lines for collectibles, having fun meeting other fans, and encountering characters all through the park, everyone finds something to enjoy.

Since Opening Day happened to fall exactly on the 30th anniversary of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back made it feel even more special. Since the focus is on TESB, Boba Fett's presence was felt everywhere. From being on this year's logo, to having both humans that have played him in the films present, to watching you as you entered the park, he was the man of the day.

Some fun changes this year were signs in different locations directing (or warning) you of which side of the force might be just around the corner. Could you bump into Darth Maul, meet Anakin, or even have a Tusken Raider sneak up on you? Look for the signs to help guide you. There were also two shops available. Boba's Bounty was where you go for the Star Wars Weekend exclusives. Dark Side Depot was where you could pick up any other items that would help you relive the adventures of this epic saga.

Hope the pictures provide an idea of some of the fun we had and that if you happen to be in Florida over the few weekends you can come and enjoy the fun as well. May the force be with you."

Next we've got some amazing video clips from InsidetheMagic.com

Finally how about a few tweets from Daniel Logan?! ( Young Boba Fett )

"-Love this tshirt a fan made & came to my 1st signing session of the day at Disney Star Wars Weekends http://twitpic.com/1pp1sx"

"-Jedi Mickey in the parade in front of me. http://twitpic.com/1pppqv"

"-A group of young padawans in the parade. http://twitpic.com/1ppqv9"

"-And here is me in the parade at Disney Star Wars Weekends! So much fun. Thanks everyone for coming! http://twitpic.com/1pprvu"

"-And here is all of us on stage! Jeremy Bulloch, Temuera Morrison, @heruniverse & @deebradleybaker http://twitpic.com/1ppu47"

Stay tuned to TheForce.net as we bring you more Disney Weekends coverage in the upcoming weeks!

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