Ralph McQuarrie Art At SW Fan Days III Posted By TFN on June 14, 2009
This update may be coming a little late, but if the old saying "better late than never" was ever appropriate, this would be it.
According to the official OPX blog, there will be a special Ralph McQuarrie Art exhibit at Star Wars Fan Days III.
"The Art of Ralph McQuarrie will premiere a gallery showing of several dozen never before seen original Star Wars illustrations and film work from the artist's personal collection. A variety of books and signed prints will be available for sale."
Obviously the complete programming schedule for Fan Days III has not been finalized/released yet. But I think it is safe to say rignt now that this exhibit will be one of the best, if not the best, events of the entire convention.
Visit the official Fan Days III site to see all the latest news as well as right here on TFN.