Lucasfilm Portfolio Review At SDCC 2009 Posted By Justin on July 16, 2009
See the official release below:
"Attention all artists -- representatives from Lucasfilm Licensing and Lucasfilm Animation will be in attendance at Comic-Con International to review portfolios. This could be your big chance to enter the professional world of Star Wars art. See the schedule below, but please be aware that last-minute schedule adjustments are always a possibility at Comic-Con. A master schedule of Star Wars events is available here.
Thursday, July 23, 11 AM - 3 PM (PR A) Killian Plunkett, Lead Designer, Lucasfilm Animation Lucasfilm Animation will review portfolios of concept designers/artists, including character concepts, as well as environment concepts.
Saturday, July 25, 3 PM - 7 PM (PR D) Sunday, July 26, 11 AM - 2 PM (PR D) Troy Alders, Art Director, Lucasfilm Licensing
Troy Alders, art director at Lucas Licensing, will conduct portfolio reviews, provide critiques and offer tips for aspiring artists. Bring in a portfolio selection of your best work and see if you have what it takes to create art for the ever expanding Lucasfilm galaxy. For a previous interview with Alders regarding the portfolio review process, see this story here."