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Holiday Special Aliens Revival Posted By JF on June 8, 2001
Well Decipher's new Tatooine expansion is now available in stores. But did you know that they included some of the aliens from the infamous Star Wars Holiday Special?
The first one is Caldera Righim the Talz, which was unnamed until now. Here is a picture from the Holiday Special, and the Decipher card for comparison:
The next one is Deneb Both the Ithorian, also unnamed until now. Here are the two pics for comparison:
The last one is a bit of a longer story, which is very confusing. There was originally an action figure named Snaggletooth that came out in 1978. It was actually based on an alien seen in the Holiday Special, although it was the same mask as one of the aliens in the Episode IV movie but not the same clothes. He was actually named Zutmore in the TV show. Years later in 1997, RPG writer Pablo Hidalgo re-used that character in the Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens and Allies sourcebook and in his short story "Spare Parts" (published in the Official SW Adventure Journal #11.)
In those sources, Pablo named him Zutton, which was based on the prononciation of his name in the Holiday Special, not having access to the TV script. Zutton's brother was Takeel, which was taken form the Premiere set of the CCG. Well the problem started when Decipher made a card for Zutton in their A New Hope expansion set.
Not only did they pick the wrong alien, Zutton was not even in the cantina in the movie. So now, with this new expansion, they used the real Zutton (or Zutmore of his real name) from the Holiday Special and made him yet a completely different character named Rachalt Hyst. Here are two pics: