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AOTC Trading Card Game Press Release

Posted By Thomas on April 26, 2002


Star Wars(tm) Universe Comes to Earth in All-New Trading Card Game from Wizards of the Coast

Designed by Legendary Game Designer Richard Garfield, Star Wars Trading Card Game to Allow Players to Experience Intense Star Wars Battles

April 15, 2002 (Renton, Wash.) -Wizards of the Coast Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro Inc. (NYSE:HAS), unveiled the newest addition to the company's extremely popular lineup of trading card games - the highly anticipated Star Wars Trading Card Game (TCG). The Star Wars: Attack of the Clones TCG, which is the first release of three sets this year, features characters, vehicles, and weapons from the upcoming movie Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, scheduled for release on May 16, 2002. Subsequent card sets for the Star Wars TCG will draw content from every Star Wars era, including the Star Wars movies and the popular Star Wars expanded universe.

The new game's innovative game mechanics enhance the Star Wars experience by allowing players to plan and execute the high-stakes gambits and intense action of a climactic Star Wars battle. The Star Wars TCG gives players the power to choose if they will play on the Light Side or the Dark Side, and which weapons, characters and ships to employ in their battles.

Designed by award-winning game designer Richard Garfield, the TCG is scheduled to be on stores shelves on April 23. Garfield is best known for creating the mechanics behind the first-ever trading card game-Magic: The Gathering*, which began a whole new game genre and led to Wizards of the Coast's pioneering effort to have the trading card game mechanic patented.

The Star Wars: Attack of the Clones two-player Trading Card Game (MSRP $6.99) contains everything players need to start a game, including a Light Side and a Dark Side deck, a rulebook, playmat and dice. Also available are advanced starter decks (MSRP $9.99), which contain either a Dark Side or Light Side 40-card preconstucted deck with a foil card and an advanced rulebook. Players wanting to construct their own decks will be able to purchase randomized 11-card booster packs (MSRP $3.29) with a rare card in every pack and a 5-card booster pack, without a rare card (MSRP $1.49). The new Star Wars Trading Card Game will initially be available in toy and hobby stores in the United States, with plans to distribute in Europe, South America, Asia and Australia.

On the heels of the release of the Star Wars TCG, Wizards of the Coast, the pioneers of trading card game organized play, will launch a multi-tiered OP system, which will include instructional leagues, DCI-sanctioned competitive tournaments, and DCI-sanctioned championship events. League programs and DCI-sanctioned tournaments will begin in retail stores around the United States and Canada in June. For more information on the Star Wars Trading Card Game and on league programs and DCI-sanctioned tournaments, visit www.wizards.com/starwars on April 23.

Lucas Licensing Ltd. manages all the domestic and international merchandising activities of the Star Wars and Indiana Jones? properties. Star Wars is the most successful film-based merchandising program in history. The Star Wars licensing program is renowned for its attention to product detail and quality in the fields of publishing, toys, games, collectibles, apparel and other categories. For more information on Star Wars, visit www.starwars.com

Wizards of the Coast Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro Inc. (NYSE:HAS), is the worldwide market share leader in the TCG and tabletop roleplaying game categories. A leading developer and publisher of game-based entertainment products, as well as the owner and operator of one of the nation's largest specialty game retail chains, the company holds an exclusive patent on the play mechanic of TCGs and produces the world's best-selling Pok?mon and Magic: The Gathering TCGs. Headquartered near Seattle, Washington, Wizards of the Coast has international offices in Antwerp, Paris, Milan, London, Beijing and Sydney. For more information on Wizards of the Coast, visit the company's website and electronic retail store at www.wizards.com.

Star Wars and Indiana Jones ? 2002 Lucasfilm Ltd. & ? or TM where indicated. All rights reserved. Used under authorization. Pok?mon is a registered trademark of Nintendo. Wizards of the Coast, Magic: The Gathering and Dungeons & Dragons are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro Inc.


A few AOTC TCG scans:
Logo card
Game card packaging
ObiWan/Jango Kamino duel
Anakin swoop bike
ObiWan capture
Dooku lightsaber

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