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Czech Covers

Heir to the Empire

Czech Illustrations

Those illustrations were done by Karel Kilberger for Czech editions of Heir to the Empire and Dark Force Rising in 1994.

(Note: Karel Kilberger is a highly accomplished artist who does a lot of illustrations for books.)

Heir to the Empire
Thrawn and C'baoth meeting on Wayland

Heir to the Empire
Encounter with Noghri on Bimmisaari

Heir to the Empire
Trip to Dagobah

Heir to the Empire
Han and Lando rewiring C-3PO

Heir to the Empire
Leia seeks a safe place on Kashyyyk

Heir to the Empire
Luke meets Karrde and Mara

Heir to the Empire
Han and Lando watching Imperials on Myrkr

Heir to the Empire
Luke saves Mara from a vornskr

Heir to the Empire
Luke defeats Imperials at Hyllyard City

Heir to the Empire
The Battle of Sluis Van

Dark Force Rising
Luke and Lando confront Ferrier

Dark Force Rising
Mara gets rid of a bounty hunter

Dark Force Rising
Han and Lando are led to safety

Dark Force Rising
Leia's mission on Honoghr

Dark Force Rising
Thrawn and Mara over Endor

Dark Force Rising
Luke and Mara stand up against C'Baoth

Dark Force Rising
Leia shows the Noghri they were deceived

Dark Force Rising
The Battle for the Katana Fleet
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