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The Power Of The Force Girls Episode #1 Now Online

Posted By Mike on September 18, 2012

If you didn't get a chance to catch a sneak peek at Star Wars Celebration VI, the first full episode of the Power of the Force Girls is now online for your viewing pleasure...


DETROIT, MI -- Artist/Director Lin Zy has unveiled the first full episode of her animated mash-up parody Power of the Force Girls on the official site, as well as her YouTube Channel. The debut episode, "Introductory Off Her" premiered weeks ago at the Star Wars Celebration VI show in Orlando, Florida, to crowds of overjoyed fans.

The 14 minute pulse-pounding episode focuses on Babbles, a lovable, young alien who introduces viewers to her superhero sisters, Petal and Peanut. Babbles also eagerly shares how Professor Yoddle created them, but not all on the planet of Dagoblah is roses. A sinister agent, Major Grievance, spells doom about the girls' dangerous villains, intergalactic gangsters, and the forces of Negative Space.

The unique cartoon infuses several of Lin Zy's childhood icons, forging new zany characters with fast-paced action. "The concept began mixing two of my favorite universes." Observes Lin Zy, "I wondered what would happen if George Lucas (Star Wars, Indiana Jones) and Craig McCracken (Powerpuff Girls, Dexter's Laboratory) fell in love and had a baby, creatively-speaking." Adding a pinch of other fan-girl inspirations, Lin Zy reassembled other influences, including Ninja Turtles and Sailor Moon, to concoct what would be come the Power of the Force Girls.

Lin Zy is already a well-respected artist, designer and puppeteer, having produced work for such licensed properties as Star Wars, Mars Attacks!, The Avengers, and Night of the Living Dead. In addition to conceiving the Power of the Force Girls (and providing the voice for Babbles), she writes, hand-draws every shot of the girls, and digitally colors everything. Her husband, fellow Star Wars artist Matt Busch, lends a hand painting backgrounds, illustrating the villains, and editing the animation. Sound design and audio mastering on this episode is produced by the legendary Ric Viers (Sound Effects Bible), and Aaron Golematis (Aaron G TV) performs the voice of Major Grievance.

Where will this go from here? "Of course there are more episodes in the pipeline. I have lots of adventures in store for the girls, and I think fans will enjoy the twists and turns." comments Lin Zy. "It's amazing how technology has let me take such a goofy idea and polish out a finished product like this in a relatively small amount of time with a relatively small group of help."

For more information, visit: http://www.PoweroftheForceGirls.com

To view the episode, visit: http://youtu.be/KW0V1c4jfMg

To learn more about creator Lin Zy, visit: http://www.Lin-Zy.com

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