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New Trenches Online Series Coming Soon

Posted By TFN on February 16, 2010

See the following article excerpt released on Tubefilter.tv:

"With the fall of some of the early web content studios like maniaTV, 60Frames and ABC/Disney?s Stage 9, there were some web series projects that went down with their ships that we thought might never see the light of day. Trenches, a sci-fi action series from creator Shane Felux was one such project. Our last check in with Felux was in August of 2008, when Stage 9 had released its pricey comedy series Squeegees to mixed results. A few months later ABC shuttered its nascent digital studio, leaving Trenches in distribution purgatory.

Now the series has found a new home, with Sony Pictures Television buying licensing the project from ABC to be released starting February 16, 2010 on Crackle. Set in the future on a a distant war torn planet, the story centers around two groups of opposing soldiers fighting against each other only to realize that the real enemy is something else. The 10-episode series, each one being about 5 to 7 minutes, will roll out with three on the first day and then continue steadily through March 5.

Shane Felux still describes himself as ?a little indie guy making films in my basement.? He first popped onto the map of online fans?and ABC?s digital execs?with his breakout Star Wars Revelations fan film and follow-up, Pitching Lucas, which in 2006 won both the George Lucas Selects Award and the Audience Choice Award at the Official Star Wars Fan Film Awards at Comic-Con. When ABC execs called him up he ended up pitching what would become Trenches over the phone, using a mocked up web site that he built to walk them through the concept."

Click here for the rest of the article, and then check out another piece posted on the LATimesBlogs site.

The official Trenches website can be found at www.trenchesonline.com.

Best of luck with the new series Shane!

UPDATE: Nothing new in terms of information on the series, but the Official Star Wars Blog has given this story a shout-out (which is always worth posting of course).

UPDATE #2: Shane Felux writes in to inform us that the first three episodes of Trenches are now available for your viewing pleasure on Crackle.com. Episode #4 will be released on Thursday, and then every subsequent Tuesday and Thursday the remainder of the 10-part series will be released.

So head on over to Crackle to check them out, and good luck to Shane once again!

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February 19, 2010   Pics From Trenches Online Series

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