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Star Wars Battlefront 2 Mod For Force-Casters

Posted By Mike on January 2, 2008

Joshua L. sent info of a new Force-Cast Star Wars BattleFront 2 mod. See below:

"Gametoast is teaming up with Force-Cast fan Daniel Mutchler to create a Star Wars Battlefront 2 mod for the Force-Cast. Gametoast user Daniel0605 posted this topic in the mod/maps WIP forum on Gametoast (www.gametoast.com) and can be found here: http://www.gametoast.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=12391.

In this topic Daniel0605 wrote:

About the Mod
In late November 2007, Force-Cast fan Daniel Mutchler decided to undertake a mountainous endeavor. He wanted to create a Battlefront II mod for the Force-Cast. He began working with mod tools he found online, and soon he had a strong foundation upon which to build the mod. He enlisted the help of fellow Force-Cast fans Calvin and Eric, and also help from Gametoast users. Daniel worked tirelessly to develop the map, design and produce the characters, and publish it for all Force-Casters to enjoy. Well, all Force-Casters with a copy of Battlefront II.

To help him create accurate representations of important Force-Cast personalities, Daniel also received assistance from Kay and Mark, of FCTV fame. But before he even thought about releasing the mod, Daniel knew he should get his target audience hypedup. And what better way to do that then with a trailer? That?s where Calvin and Eric came in. They began working on the mod?s trailer in late December, receiving clips from Daniel as he tested the mod invarious stages of completion.

Here's the mod's website: http://forcecastmod.wordpress.com/

Thanks to Joshua for the news and kudos to Daniel, Eric and Calvin for their hard work.

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