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Jedi Journals Bookshelf: The Force Unleashed!

Posted By Jay on February 17, 2007

As you might have heard on the February 16th Force-Cast podcast, Jason and Pete revealed some info about the publishing tie-in's for LucasArts' newest game The Force Unleashed.

We know that Del Rey will have a novel, called The Force Unleashed. We also know the author will be Sean Williams (half of the pair that wrote the NJO: Force Heretic trilogy), thanks to Mike over at TheForce.net, and this story. It'll be a hardcover and should be on shelves late September. Here's the Amazon link for the book.

That Amazon link lists the book as an 'Untitled Del Rey MM #1'. Hmm. I wonder if there's a Number Two? All we know about that, is that it's a trade paperback size book and will be $12.95.

Palace Press and Insight editions, the publishers of the Dressing and Sculpting A Galaxy books, will have a large softcover book call The Force Unleashed: Art of the Game, by Haden Blackman and Brett Rector. This 224 page book will feature tons of pre-production art, much like the image above.

Dark Horse is the tightest lipped contributor. While much speculation exists as to the format (6-issue mini-series? graphic novels?) nothing is known except that it will most likely feature "Force Unleashed" in the title, and that Mike Richardson will be the publisher. Hopefully some new information will come to light after next weekend's New York Comic Con.

As always, we continue to keep you up to date with all the breaking news on books, comics and magazines, here at the Jedi Journals.

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February 13, 2008   Jedi Journals Bookshelf: Another Force Unleashed Book
February 26, 2007   Jedi Journals Newsstand: The Force Unleashed Graphic Novel
February 23, 2007   Jedi Journals Bookshelf: The Force Unleashed: The Art Of The Game
February 18, 2007   The Force Unleashed Game Informer Article

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