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Description & Product Info | Light Order | Light Chaos | Dark Order | Dark Chaos | Artwork | Screenshots | Concept Art


Wind and storms characterize the Realm of Dark Chaos. With their anarchic intensity, Dark Chaos creatures thrive in battle, driven by the passions and anger of Helamis.


Dark Chaos God
The heavens reel once the Dark Chaos goddess usurps the throne of Gaia. Her lofty powers do not make her any less malicious and underhanded. Her motives as well as her storms are made of pure chaos.

Dark Chaos Demigod
The Dark Chaos demigod rules her domain with fear and hate. She is turbulent and unpredictable, but everything she does is a means to one end: to gain what she desires. Her tumultuous energies, when channeled into vicious lightning attacks and deceptive blinking skills, give her the power to bring her enemies to their knees.

Wind Elemental
The Wind Elemental moves frantically about during combat, and has lightning attacks that the most agile creature would find difficult to avoid.

Dark Chaos Nightmare Adept
The Dark Chaos Nightmare Adept is a Champion driven by malice and corn. Ever ready to wreak havoc, it has cat-like moves in the Arena, and can also cast most World Map spells.

Dark Chaos Demon
The Chaos-Demon is a savage Dark Chaos Champion. Its lightning gaze attack will shock the life out of its enemies during combat. Bred purely to terrorize, it possesses no true intelligence due to its animalistic hatred of life.

Dark Chaos Cyclops
The Cyclops is a lumbering creature constantly on the rampage. This Dark Chaos Champion has a very quick ram attack and the ability to stun its opponents.

Dark Chaos Djinn
The mischievous Dark Chaos Djinn is a Warrior skilled in battle. It can blink to avoid attacks and disorient its foes; and can set lightning traps.

Dark Chaos Spirit Armor
The phantom-like Dark Chaos Spirit Armor is a creation similar to the Dark Order Spirit Armor, in that it has extensive weapon range in combat and can shield itself. It is just another Warrior serving its purpose for its dark Mistress.

Dark Chaos Unicorn
The Dark Chaos Unicorn is a Sentinel, and like the Dark Order Unicorns, a malformed form of its counterparts, the Light realm Unicorns. It is capable of long-range lightning attacks in combat and like all Sentinels has a useful Zone of Control in the World Map.

Dark Chaos Centabra
The Dark Chaos Centabra is an angry Sentinel that can strike its enemies with heavy blows, and throw its magic axe attack from a distance in Arena combat.

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