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Q: Did George Lucas write the entire Star Wars series? Is the saga based on previously published novels? Are there six or nine Episodes?

A: The "Star Wars" universe is the creation of George Lucas and is his alone. He conceived of the story as a series of feature films not novels, although all the films have been adapted into novels after their theatrical release.  The story for all six films was written by George Lucas, however, he has brought in other screenwriters to polish his ideas on occasion.

The idea that there is some long out of print series of novels on which "Star Wars" is based is just a myth. The series of books and comics on the market now are simply spin-off's of George Lucas's movies and not works waiting to be adapted into films.

There will only be six "Star Wars" films. Lucas had at one time toyed with the idea of a sequel trilogy but has since abandoned the idea.

Q: Do you have a complete list of all the Star Wars books ever published and how they fit together?

A: Well yeah that's what this page is all about, however, some people want something a little more to the point. If you are one of those people try this Timeline from Del-Rey, its pretty good.

Q: Do you have a complete list of all the Star Wars comics ever published and how they fit together?

A: Pretty much I have to give the same answer as I did to the books issue, but this time I'll point you to Dark Horse comics and theforce.net's own comic section.

Q: When did Luke fall to the dark side? In what book did the rebels fight a Resurrected Emperor?

A: I have a page set up to answer just this question. Enjoy.

Q: How come Owen doesn't recognize C-3PO in "A New Hope;" after they lived together for five years leading up to "Attack of The Clones"?

A: There isn't a clear answer to this question but C-3PO has more polished coverings, there are a ton of protocol droids that look just like him in the galaxy, and it?s been 22 years. Owen may find the droid familiar but not memorable. Perhaps he partly buys him out of nostalgia not realizing it's the same droid.

Q: Is there any kind of downloadable / printable version of this timeline? Do you have any plans to make one?

A: Ah, no and no. I recommended saving the individual pages to your hard drive, you can print and alter them from there as you wish, just don't repost them!

Q: What are those funny looking symbols on the back covers of recent books and at the top of each timeline page?

A: Lucasfilm has divided the Star Wars timeline into different eras and each symbol designates a period of time.

Old Republic Era - 25,000 to 1,000 Years Before A New Hope

The early history of the Galaxy through the Jedi's defeat of the Sith.

Rise of The Empire Era - 1,000-0 Years Before A New Hope

After the Sith went into hiding, under the rule of two, master and apprentice, through the beginning of "Episode IV: A New Hope."

Rebellion Era - 0-5 Years After A New Hope

"Episode IV: A New Hope" through the founding of the New Republic one year after "Episode VI: Return of The Jedi."

New Republic Era - 5-25 Years After A New Hope

One year after "Episode VI: Return of The Jedi" through the Yuuzhan Vong invasion in "Vector Prime."

The New Jedi Order Era - 25-36 Years After A New Hope

Begins with "Vector Prime"

The Legacy Era - 37+ Years After A New Hope

This is the era of Luke Skywalker's legacy

Infinities - Outside of Chronology

Covers stories that don't fit into the established chronology.

Q: Are you aware of how many typos and misspellings there are in you timeline?

A: Probably not, but just consider it the price of free information.

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