The New York Times Art Blog has a great new story up (along with video!) showcasing a new character on The Clone Wars, Chewbacca. Scheduled to appear in the two-part Season 3 finale of The Clone Wars on April 1, Peter Mayhew lends a hand in voicing the furry friend of the Force. Here's a brief quote from the article...
"Though Lucasfilm Animation is keeping specific plot details under wraps, the ?Clone Wars? finale, scheduled for April 1, will see Chewbacca cross paths with Ahsoka Tano, the Jedi apprentice to Anakin Skywalker (a k a the future Darth Vader). To prepare for these episodes, titled ?Padawan Lost? and ?Wookiee Hunt,? the ?Clone Wars? supervising director Dave Filoni and his team of animators and artists delved into the Lucasfilm archives for original Chewbacca reference materials and costumes, and invited Mr. Mayhew to their studios in Marin County, north of San Francisco, to advise them on the process of bringing Chewie to digital life."