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Catching Up With Some TCW Interviews

Posted By Mike on October 23, 2011

Playing a little catch-up this Sunday, we have a number of Clone Wars-related interviews to bring to your attention courtesy of SW.com.

- Ashley Eckstein talks Her Universe with Yahoo TV.

- Matt Lanter chats about his early career, along with The Clone Wars, in an interview at TVTonight.au.

- Clancy Brown talks about voicing Savage Opress with Yahoo TV.

- And we have one more from Yahoo TV as David Acord discusses the sounds of "Nomad Droids" (S4 Ep. 6).

In addition, Den of Geek recently got a chance to catch up with Dave Filoni regarding the DVD/Blu-ray release of Season 3 in the UK and what's to come in Season 4.

Let's also not forget that the most recent episode of the ForceCast features Star Wars sound masters Mathew Wood, David Acord and Ben Burt.

UPDATE: Here's another interview with Ashley Eckstein..

UPDATE #2: Geeks of Doom presents yet another video interview with Ashley.

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