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2, Hour Long Live Action Movies For TV?!?

Posted By Mike on May 9, 2007

George Lucas was in New York for a dinner for Time Magazine's 100 Most Influential People. Below is an excerpt of what he had to say to Roger Friedman according to his article on the Fox News website:

"Lucas, by the way, says he is readying "Clone Wars," an animated series for TV that's derived from "Star Wars." Many "Star Wars" characters appear in "Clone Wars," but voiced by other actors.

And here's a little news: Lucas tells me he will make two more live action films based in the "Star Wars" era.

"But they won't have members of the Skywalker family as characters. They will be other people of that milieu," he said.

The two extra films will also be made for TV and probably be an hour long each. But, like "Clone Wars," Lucas doesn't know where on TV they will land.

Hello, HBO and Showtime. It may be time to pony up."

Click here for the full article and cross your fingers that this comes to pass.

Thanks a lot to Robert B. for the link.

UPDATE: Friend of TFN Mike in Florida (yup there are lots of us Mikes) had some interesting thoughts regarding this news story and I thought they were worth sharing. Here is what he had to say:

"I believe Freidman was referencing the live action TV show(s?) and not a feature film. It doesn't even make sense that Lucas would make a one hour film for TV... Isn't that basically a TV show pilot? If you read Freidman's stuff regularly you know he always has his head in the clouds--so to speak. He probably was drooling to break some Star Wars news and misinterpreted what Lucas said. I guess the only real news is that Lucas is still perusing doing two live action shows instead of the one."

Kind of comes as a bummer to my initial excitement but the other Mike has a good point. I guess we will find out hopefully sooner than later....most likely later.

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