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Star Wars Is Everywhere: Episode XL Posted By Mike on May 24, 2011
We have a whole mixed bag of links today. Enjoy! proves that cute animals + lightsabers = greatness!
Star Wars collectibles were among the victims of a storage unit fire in San Diego, though no people appeared to have been injured. Don't smoke kids as the fire was started by a discarded cigarette according to NBC San Diego. likens these exploding transformers in Fort Worth, Texas to a "fierce light-sabre showdown in outer space."
Connecticut's reports on Star Wars Month fun at the Groton Public Library.
Mara Jade falls in at #4 on's list of the "10 Sexiest Assasins."
"Why she's a deadly killer: Before she became Luke Skywalker's wife and a valued part of the New Jedi Order (not to be confused with New Order) Mara Jade was Emperor Palpatine's top assassin, the Emperor's Hand. She killed Jedi, rebels and corrupt Imperial officials without any mercy or compunction. Why she's sexy: Leather halter top! Also she's always depicted as being calmly badass, sleek and elegant, killing with a lightsaber or a blaster. And she has awesome red hair, that gets totally wild and metal when Death Stars blow up."
Thanks Justin!
Continuing with another Star Wars-related link from, editor Charlie Jane Anders takes a look back on a fantastic DIY C-3PO costume from 1977. (Thanks Justin!)
On May 20th the good folks in the 501st UK Garrison presented a ?4,000 charitable donation to the Neo-Natal Intensive Care Unit of the Peterborough City Hospital in Bretton. Visit to read about our costumed friends doing what they do best.
Miracle twin foals were born in the UK and at this point you're most likely already guessing that I'm about to tell you that they were named Luke and Leia. Well, you'd be half right considering the twins are both females...
"A RARE one in 10,000 chance birth of twin foals has astounded a Burnley horse owner.
Ann Stockdale, of Bevington Close, could not believe her eyes when her horse Poppy gave birth to two tiny ponies.
Experts say chances of both foals surviving are incredibly thin but, against overwhelming odds, little Princess Leia Organa and her ?surprise? sister Mara Jade Skywalker were delivered safe and healthy.
In nearly all cases, one or both foals die in a twin pregnancy as the mother cannot support two babies and Star Wars fan Ann has described it as a ?miracle?."
Enjoy some Star Wars brand logo mash-ups over at the uniquely titled site, How to Carve Roast Unicorn. (Thanks Eric!)
The Star Wars franchise remains strong as indicated by poll results at where Star Wars handily beat out a plethora of other film franchises. (Thanks jbriggette!)
Star Wars themed bathrooms are always fun and the youngling bathroom designed by Emily Jagoda takes things a bit further by creating tile mosaics of C-3PO, R2-D2, Chewbacca, and what looks to be Luke. Click on the thumbnail above for the full view and visit the source post over at for another image.
Rebelscum Breast Cancer Awareness Charity Patch Posted By Philip on November 25, 2014: Thanks to everybody that ordered patches. I sent a check for $1,600.00 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation on Monday. While it's not as much as I hoped for, it's still very much appreciated. They will remain for sale in the store for anybody that still wishes to purchase them. Details after the jump.